Colorado Mule Deer


Hi, new member here and I figured this may be a shot in the dark but I’m new to this whole western states thing and have ALOT of info to decipher. I’m interested in hunting Colorado for mule deer (rifle) and wondering where I should start as far as units go? Personally, Im ok with never getting drawn for a “trophy” unit and just hunting in units where you may or may not get lucky but see deer, if that makes any sense? I don’t plan on saving up 20 years of points to go on one hunt in other words. I just wanna go hunt. My Dads not getting any younger and he used to hunt the western states stuff a lot in the 80’s/90’s so I’m just looking to get to go hunting with him up there a few times in the next 5-10 years. I realize the public land stuff can be very hush hush and I totally understand why (I’m big into public land duck hunting here in Texas) so I appreciate any info y’all can help me out with. Not looking for your secrets spots, just a place to get started.

Start at the links below. Identify some hunts (most likely 2nd season in most units) that take 0 or 1 points, and then begin narrowing them down. Try to find a few on the western side of the state. I could be of some help, but I have no idea what hunts take 0-1 point.
Once you have a handful that you could actually draw, then maybe dig into buck-to-doe ratios and herd numbers.
Once you have a few hunt ideas, then it's easier to get a little advice.
Unit 35 2nd is fairly easy to draw. There are a few deer there. It's a place to consider, along with numerous others.

(PS - Offering to "exchange" information with others will also get you much farther in todays world of hunt information sharing.)

Not much to decipher man?, its pretty easy. What unit did your dad hunt in? Can you read a map? How do you like to hunt - in a truck, high fence with feeders? ?, what time of year?,, look at units : 55, 73 and 181. Points and the draw is just a bunch of BS. Colorado is a mess, the Division is full of crooks, so just put in.
Start at the links below. Identify some hunts (most likely 2nd season in most units) that take 0 or 1 points, and then begin narrowing them down. Try to find a few on the western side of the state. I could be of some help, but I have no idea what hunts take 0-1 point.
Once you have a handful that you could actually draw, then maybe dig into buck-to-doe ratios and herd numbers.
Once you have a few hunt ideas, then it's easier to get a little advice.
Unit 35 2nd is fairly easy to draw. There are a few deer there. It's a place to consider, along with numerous others.

(PS - Offering to "exchange" information with others will also get you much farther in todays world of hunt information sharing.)

Thanks a bunch! Will look into everything you’ve listed and said. I hear ya on the sharing knowledge part! I’ve gotta gain some on this stuff then hopefully I’ll have some to share haha!

He hunted Utah and Wyoming a lot. Colorado a couple times. I’m not sure if the units were even the same back then or if he ever paid attention. He said most of their stuff was OTC and if they did have to draw they never had a problem getting drawn. He talks about the book cliffs in Utah as being one of their best hunts. We were looking over the Colorado unit map the other day and he saw there was a unit there with the book cliffs in it. I saw it’s a hard one to draw for.

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