Colorado Moose rescue...


Long Time Member
So I saw this the other night. Officers trying to get the moose out. Then ended up using a taser to knock it down (sort of) then cut the moose free. Good news!

I how ever am pissed at the CPW. The people on the property admitted to using illegal baiting to feed the moose and keep it around. Which is illegal in Colorado. They however did not charge the person with a crime or make them pay a fine etc. Instead gave them a "Stern" warning. Colorado either needs to allow feeding or they need to enforce the laws.

If you or I have been using salt for hunting they would have threw the book at us. these people put the animal and the officers in danger.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-16 AT 11:53AM (MST)[p]Interesting that you are upset with the CPW not charging property owners for baiting when on the Mule Deer Forum we have the Founder of MM wanting to know what to feed deer.
I believe, both are illegal in both states. Several MMers admit to feeding deer on their property.
Just sayin. :) :)
I agree, if they had fined them and then let the news stations spread that around. People would think twice about it. As of now, they don't care cause even when they get caught they know they will just get a warning...
If CO DOW is going to have a law, then they need to enforce it when it is obviously broken as in this example.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>AT 11:53?AM (MST)

>Interesting that you are upset with
>the CPW not charging property
>owners for baiting when on
>the Mule Deer Forum we
>have the Founder of MM
>wanting to know what to
>feed deer.
>I believe, both are illegal in
>both states. Several MMers
>admit to feeding deer on
>their property.
>Just sayin. :) :)

No actually it is not illegal in Utah at all. In fact I believe you can hunt over bait piles in UT? I think I saw a big mule deer buck shot off an apple piles lately.

The other issue is in Colorado we have a bunch idiots who do not care. I watched a lady feeding deer donuts.

It is one thing to offer temporary or even annual feed that fits certain criteria and is designed to be a healthy alternative. It is totally different when all you want to do is make a wild animal your pet.

There was a gal feeding bears in Durango area that nearly got someone killed.

It is illegal in Colorado. AS such they broke the law and should get charged. Or there is no point in having the law. A guy archery hunting near aspen shot a bull near a salt lick that he claimed he had no knowledge was in the area but when he was done he had over $10,000 out of pocket and the state still took his bull.

In this case it is never a good idea to attract an animal the size of a moose into a neighborhood area (mostly 5 acre ranchettes in this case). It will always end badly for the moose.
You are probably right. My bad.
I guess my point is, it's seldom good to ever feed wild animals because of their sensitive digestive systems and their propensity to assume they have a perpetual gravy train. (bating)

Bating an animal as big and potentially dangerous as a moose is flat out stupid. But hey, most non-outdoor types, assume that wild animals are just hungry pets, eh?

Thanks for the link

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