Colorado Bighorn Success



We had a friend in our archery elk camp who drew a Colorado Bighorn tag. After many miles, many climbs & some very hard work glassing and hunting he took this fine ram :grin:

Here he is shortly after the kill :grin:


My buddy John & I take a break from our elk hunt to climb up & help Anthony with his ram. Here we are posing with his trophy


The weather was brutal up top that day. Here is my buddy John with Anthony after caping out the ram. Notice the rainbow in the background. A fitting end!


Some pictures with Anthony the next day....packout day!


Some views of a fine Colorado Ram. Congrats to Anthony! :grin:



Nice Ram congratulations to your friend and you guys on a sucessful sheep hunt. They really are magnificent creatures and you earn every one of them. Thanks for posting the pictures and fueling my imagination until I am lucky enough to draw my tag!

Thanks for letting me know about the PM. My firewall does not let that stuff show up & I have to turn it off to see it....or even post on this site for that matter.

Anyway, it was a real fun hunt. I can't wait to go back next year!

Bill (IB)
Very nice ram! Congratulations.
Looks like you guys had a great hunt.
Nice pictures.
Here are the official stats on the Ram:

From the Division of Wildlife office in Durango today where the ram was measured and plugged. Here are the results:

Length of horn around outside curve
Left horn: 30 1/4
Right horn: 29 3/8
Basal circumference at hairline:
Left horn: 13 1/8
Right horn 13 1/4
Horn spread: 19 1/4
Annual growth rings: 7 1/2
Curl: 7/8

A nice one!
That is a sweet looking ram in some sweet looking country. Congrats to your friend and glad you got to share those special memories with him.
Very nice looking ram! Congratulations. Was that from the same herd/unit as Rammin's sheep in the other post?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-04 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]Buckspy, I think this is an S16 Ram, although I'm not positive. I know who the other two hunters that were in my unit and have seen one of the other rams. All three of us got our rams but this ram was taken in a unit other than 28.
A fine ram none the less. It's a beauty. Great photos as well.

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