colorado antelope units



I am looking for any info on descent antelope hunting units in colorado near meeker within 100 miles I am new to antelope hunting and looking to get started on the right foot. I have no prference pionts any info would be great thanks.
Any units within 100 miles of Meeker will take several points to draw unless you archery hunt or you have access to private property and can apply for a private land only tag.
I would be willing to archery hunt could I get a tag pretty easy for archery around meeeker ?
I just looked at the big game brochure and it still goes by archery from what i looked at.
The archery tags are not statewide, some areas you can hunt OTC and some you cant. Read the regs and check draw odds to see for sure. Gary
RE: Colorado antelope units

If you really want to hunt antelope...why the 'close to meeker' criteria. It is pretty easy to find out which units are easy to draw. Simplest way might be buying the preference point issue of Colorado outdoors that is published annually. Shows you how many points are needed, by hunt code, and specifically which units are under subscribed (near certain draw with zero preference points).

There is a heck of a difference between an archery or a rifle hunt. Are they really that interchangeable to you?
RE: Colorado antelope units

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 12:18PM (MST)[p]Most units near meeker take 3 or more points for archery I believe although I think there are a few that take none. Heres a link that shows you exactly what it will take to draw.


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