College Finals


Very Active Member
I just thought I would take a moment and let you all know that I survived the busiest day of my college career today. I took three very hard, very complex finals back to back to back.

First I took BIOL 1620 which I got 60/80 on = B in the class

Second I took a CHEM 1120 test and at least it felt good

Third I took a STAT 3000 test, which kicked my butt. I am not looking forward to fall semester when I retake that class.

I still have one more test but it is in BIOL 2220 which is just basic ecology.

These are all big classes and I am so glad to see three of them behind me and at least next time around I will understand statistics.

It hurts to think!

Good luck to any other students who frequent the forum.

Way to go Dillon!! These passed few weeks of busting your arse studying will pay off!! Now go out and enjoy a few ice cold CLs!!!
I know how you feel, finals week is always a killer.

Lucky for me though, I graduated in December and this is my first semester off since Fall '05. It is such a relief to be done with school.

Nocked N Loaded
LAST EDITED ON May-05-10 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]Congratulations Dillon. As someone who coaches many aspiring college baseball players, I have complete respect for the academic acheivements necessary to thrive in college. You should be proud of making it through a hellish day, and doing well!

Where do you attend college? My daughter is going through finals right now too, so I know what it's like. She'll be transferring from Cuesta College this fall, as just got accepted to UC Berkeley a couple days ago.
Dillon, that sounds like a day in hell for sure!! I'm in school also and can't believe the amount of reading and studying necessary to get a good grade...and I'm only taking 1 class every 5 weeks!! MBA with University of Pheonix and it's mostly online for me. I honestly don't think I could do 3 classes at once like you just did though dude...that sounds rough!! After my current class I'll have 30 of the 120 required credits...long damn ways to go for this guy!! How much longer do you have up there??


I just took my last final, it was general ecology. I like ecology so it was not too bad, I think I got a B in the class.

I honestly have a hard time complaining about school except for yesterday. I am studying Wildlife Science here at Utah State and I love it. I get to do fun field work and learn about the stuff I love. Hopefully someday after grad school I can be a Big Game Biologist. They don't make much, but at least they love work. Except for when they have to go to Utah RAC meetings.

Lucky for me my wife is a great financial provider. I do work part time while I go to school, but not enough to provide for a family.

I don't have to do anything school related until September. Which means now I just get to work, shoot my bow, scout deer, camp and enjoy life. I love summer!

Keep up the hard work boys! Those finals may be tough but they get over quick! I have the privelege of GIVING them now and I have to say - it is kind of fun to see the students squirm a little!

Actually I hope all my students study hard and do well, largely blame myself if they don't!

As for me - I wish I could just take a final or two and be done. I am finishing up a doctoral dissertation and sometimes it seems that the more I write the further away I get from being done! Seems ridiculous sometimes but I am almost there. In total I have spent 13 of the last 17 years as a full time student and full time employee burning both ends of the candle. My advice is to keep going and get it done. Education is a worthy pursuit.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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