College Cup Championship


Long Time Member
Just got back from watching this game down in Santa Barbara. What a game! Akron dominated pretty much the entire game. They had several opportunities to score more goals than just the one they got but couldn't finish. The last minute or two the ball was on the Louisvilles side of the field and they had a couple chances to tie it but they couldn't get it in. I took my 3 kids to the game and we had a blast. We were pulling for Akron and when they scored the only goal of the game, the stadium went nuts. It was very exciting. Nothing like watching a game with this much meaning in person. Kicks the crap out of watching it on TV. Congrats to the Akron players. It was really cool...a lot of the players came to the stands and was giving their family members hugs and such....crying. When you see that it really sets in just what it means to win a Championship and to be known as the "best".

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Congrats to Akron on a CHAMPIONSHIP!! Lebron is definitely jealous even though it's the wrong Akron...LMAO!! GO KOBE GO!!


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