Collectable fishing tackle anybody?


Long Time Member
Hi Guys and Gals,

Was wondering if any MM members out there are like me and not only passionate about hunting big bucks but also love fishing and the gear that catches the fish...especially the old time lures

My modest collection is mostly made up of 1930's- 1950's lures that are still in the neat two piece cardboard boxes they came in. Heddon, CCBC, South Bend, and Pflueger...i likes em!

If you collect this kind of neat stuff, tell us about it and how you got started.

Crazy Crawlers anybody?

Good hobby, Joey! I don't collect fishing lures but I do have a modest collection of old paper and brass shotgun shells. I started collecting them back in the 60s. Not worth much but sure cool to look at and dream of the old days.

Eel, Those are way nice also. I've seen some unusual shotgun shell boxes on E-bay that i'd love to have to add to my small collection but they were going for $50-200. and i liked em...but not THAT much.

I found a second hand store, years ago, that had a bunch of these older shell boxes lining the top shelf all around the room. When i asked if they were for sale, was told 2 for $5. That got me started to add to those few that i already had. I probably now have, along with a bunch of newer ones, about 25 different boxes, likes em, that were from the 40's- 60's, maybe some a bit earlier.

Just like the old lure boxes, the graphics and color, plus the old time mystique of "if these boxes could talk," really draw me to them, wanting more. Collecting in general though, can be expensive, only so much a guy can afford.

Thanks Eel, I'm thinking of a quick steelhead trip maybe, any suggestions?

Mad River should be pretty good if and when it quits raining! Have you ever fished the Mad? It started to clear some last week but got blown out again. I've been too busy with work and what not to even get out this year yet. If it quits raining today, it will be at least a week before it drops enough to fish. It usually clears enough in the middle of the week and by the weekend it's too high to fish again. Story of my life. Reason #18 to retire. LOL

I took a look on ebay at antique fishing lures. There's a bunch! You have to know what you're looking for I guess. Most seem pretty reasonable though. What do you look for?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-08 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]Eel, yes i've been on the Mad a time or two down below the hatchery but it's been 15 years ago. Actually, i haven't been after em for 3 years since i made a two week hunt and fish trip along the Trinity. It's hard to get the timing right, not being from the area, to hit em at the best time. I developed a higher priority since i asked anyway, so it may be another year or two before i'll be able to get after em.

Tons of snow around Chester. The big County blower has 7-8 foot berms cut all along the streets and some parking lots have piles 20 feet high. Must be close to 6 feet on the flats...and still, it's snowing like crazy.

Buying old lures off E-bay is not the best way to go unless you know your stuff, need a particular one, or are looking for some cheapies as examples. Even then experts get fooled by shady artist's handy with a air brush. Old baits are abundent and any but the truly rare and in excellent condition should not be very expensive. Any bait that is claimed to be very old, rare, expensive, and looks like new... buyer beware!

I buy most of my baits from a great website, Joe's old lures messege board. I have tons of trust in many of the gang that show and sell there. Excellent place to learn, buy, and make buddies. Joe runs a tight ship, NO B.S. allowed or tolerated. Collecting of any kind is addictive, beware, buying old vintage baits is very much so... and gives me much enjoyment. I also collect the older Fenwick fiberglass rods. and...

Anybody else wanna contribute to this thread? Thanks Eel!

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