COLD that minus stuff and Snow depth


Long Time Member
How's the weather been up there, How is the winter so far in your area of Wyoming. Are the herds doing fine?
See another cold front is coming right at ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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I have made 4 trips to the winter ranges in sw Wy so far. From what I have seen, the deer seem to be faring pretty well so far. Our late summer and fall moisture really helped out local range conditions prior to and during the early rut stages. I have yet to see a deer that looks in poor condition...and that includes older age class bucks; and fawns.

Our last storm brought some fairly heavy snows to the area that had previously seen less snow than here in Rock Springs. That said, forage is still easily and readily available to deer so far.

Deer in this neck of the woods are used to cold. We typically see several days in winter of sub-zero temps. What we need to be leery of is the late winter/early spring killer snowstorms and arctic temps.

This little front coming in is really no big deal from what I can see. So far, so good as far as mulies and antelope are concerned!
Its a little dry and mild in the Pinedale area, good for the animals in the short run, but in the long run all these dry years are a bad deal.
Its actually too early to tell anything about the moisture situation overall, wet and warm would be the best.
Southeast and southcentral parts of the state are also doing fine so far. We've had some cold and snow, but nothing serious. I was out looking several times in the last 10 days of December and all of the critters I saw were in good shape.

Also, I gutted about 10 deer last fall and the deer were in as good of shape as I can remember. Lots of fat on every buck.

We'll just hope for a mild winter and a nice wet spring.
Not to bad. Have had one good storm a few weeks ago. Mule deer are doing great in my area. I get sick of seeing big muleys at work. I stop.and watch whitetails since EHD hit them hard
I see this guy almost every day with some other bucks. He has good mass and tine length. The picture is off my cell phone with him at 60 yards. I like his kicker. I see much much bigger bucks but they are to far for a picture.

I would rate this guy at 170. I see 50-60 bucks a day and hundreds of does. I see so many muleys I really don't stop and enjoy the show at work. But is I see a nice whitey buck I sit back and enjoy. And I always stop for the elk. I have not been seeing to many elk at work after the game and fish slaughter fest. Not any big bulls migrating down to the ranches yet. But they will soon

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]I haven't seen many big bucks at all this year. A lot of does and young bucks but very few over 160". Usually I have about 60-100 decent pics by now but only have 10 good bucks. Maybe that's a good sign for the herds ?

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Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

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