Coincidence in New York this year?? (NBA)


Long Time Member
February 2nd 2009, Lakers win 126-117, Kobe Bryant 61 points.

February 4th 2009, Cavaliers win 107-102, Lebron James 52 points.

April 12th 2009, Heat win 122-105, Dwyane Wade 55 points.

All 3 scoring leaders put up 50 plus point games at Madison Square Garden this year...2 of which were season highs (Lebron 55 @ Mil Bucks)

Playoffs start this Saturday, GO KOBE GO!!

Go kobe? No thanks. He's the greatest basketball player in the world but I can't support him. He's an adulterer at best rapist at worst. I hope he trips and falls sphinchter first right on that MVP trophy. Sorry laker fans but we don't forget things like that.
Zac, Zac, Zac...I feel bad that I have to put this in every single one of your Kobe threads, but he's a douche. Great player, but a douche. :)
Kobe steak is a Japanese one that was feed and raised in a very small pen. Hand massaged and fed with fine barley grain I believe.
Back in 1967 while I was living in Thailand for a month, the local Hotel where I was staying had them on the menu. Was the most tender and best eating steak I have ever had. But they are EXPENSIVE to order if you find a place that serves them.

Kilo, I think the thread was about a NBA player or a prime cut of beef not your "ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME" memory of Thailand.

"Who or what is a Kobe?"

Jason- Where you been hiding the past 10 years? He's the next NBA MVP runner-up! I'm a Laker fan but I really have to give the MVP to LeBron this year. Lakers will win the NBA Championship this year though.....if they can survive the Utah series.

zac zac zac
I hope Kobe trips on his way up to the podium to give Lebron a pat on the back for taking second place to the Jazz and nocks his chicklets out. No I hope somebody pulls a Nancy Kerrigan on his knees.

Jazz Fan Jazz fan go Jazzzzz

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Ah ya bunch of negative ____'s (you fill in the blank)!! LMAO steve c'mon buddy seriously think about it...if they gave Kobe the MVP last year, doesn't that make D-Wade automatic MVP this year since he's having a better season than Kobe OR Lebron the past two seasons combined...with a team far less talented than most?? DWYANE WADE MVP 2009!! Wont happen but just giving my support where it belongs this year!! That guy just dominates with or without the help of his team...

Jazz fans cheer up :) all your team has to do is F up my Lakers tomorrow night and you can avoid Kobe and Co. in Round 1...good luck ;-) lol and hell the Charlotte Bobcats swept the Lakers this year 2-0, surely the Jazz can pull one out when it matters right??

>"Who or what is a Kobe?"
>Jason- Where you been hiding the
>past 10 years? He's the
>next NBA MVP runner-up! I'm
>a Laker fan but I
>really have to give the
>MVP to LeBron this year.
>Lakers will win the NBA
>Championship this year though.....if they
>can survive the Utah series.

I would not worry to much about Utah have you seen them play on the road. I would agree with LeBron and the MVP. Ya I know who Kobe is however I am a Jazz fan and,,,,,,LOL

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