Coffee Bean Test II


Long Time Member
Find the breasts between the coffee beans. Doctors have concluded that if you find the set in 3 seconds that the right half of your brain is better sexually developed than most people. If you find the breasts between 3 seconds and one minute, then your right half of the brain is sexually developed normally. If you find the breasts between one minute and 3 minutes, then you like men and the only advice is to look on a different website that might stimulate that part of the brain and make it stronger. The breasts really are there. In fact, once you find them, you cannot miss them afterwards.

But DON?T TELL WHERE THEY ARE when you find them.

Right of center, and the other is where the man was in the first test.

So do i win the "boobie prize"??? Lol

I "nipped" that test right in the bud!! Thanks for letting me return to being a C student instead of F:)
Welcome back F-Dude!! You guys are f.o.s. though!! I don't see anything but beans and I'm furious I'm "bean" toyed with like this!! I think I found an elbow!!

No breasts but i see lots of camel toes!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
Being a BeanMan I was quickly able to sort throught the beans and find the boobs. How did you get Jenn's consent to post them in there anyway?

30 seconds. I kept trying to form the beans into a picture of breasts in my mind, should have taken you more literally. And yes they really are there and they are worth the search. ooooooh, boobies.
>Great joke F-Dude am I not
>seeing it. LMAO

Okay, I feel better now, I'm not seeing it either!
Success is failure that tried one more time.

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