Coach McDaniels


Long Time Member

Donco's end 8-8 out of the playoffs, Lose 8 out of last ten

McDmistake, McDfired?
He was doing something right at the first of the year. But that all changed rather quickly.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Finished better than I thought we would. He had me fooled at the first of the season. I do like Nolan's defense. I'd like to know the truth about Marshall and Scheffler. If they were holding out on the team, then I love McDaniels and the way he handles these showboats. I was pissed when they traded Cutler, but it seems like Orton isn't too bad, in fact a damn site better than Cutler. I say keep McDaniels around.
It's no secret i love Denver and i had given all my support to Josh, but yesterdays disastrous season ending loss lies solely in his hands.
Maybe HE should be benched for his childish behavior???
Denver once again has (had) the makings of a top contender for the post season rallies if they can get all the gears meshed together and make it run smoothly, it's all there, defense and offense. We have a team that is sending 4 of our players to the pro bowl yet we can even make the playoffs, wtf??
I'll tell ya what, we lose Marshall over this and we're going to be in a lot of trouble next season!!
I'll still be a loyal Denver lover regardless because I'm a true fan. Heck i probably have more sideline gear that Josh himself! Lol But I'm not happy with what I'm seeing right now!

As for the rest of the post season, I'm going for my #2 team.......Go Arizona!!!!!!!!!!


"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Josh really showed his immaturity. If Denver wasn't paying 2 head coaching wages he'd probably be fired. After a "lucky" 6-0 start, I called the 4 consecutive losses perfectly. No team will win with Josh until he grows up a BUNCH. They won't make the playoffs next year with Josh or Orton.
As a Raiders fan, it sure is nice to see another team being totally disfunctional. McDaniels picked the wrong time to have a public peeing contest. Childish.
Well, I like the direction the team was headed after week 5, but it looks like the ship came back to earth and it was just like it was before the season started. Really, I think McDaniels can do it, but he has some growing to do and the Broncs need to do some rebuilding still. Things aren't ever as bad as they seem and though there is some dysfunction, we will never be as bad as the Raiders! ;-) LOL

DryFlyRaiderGuy - I was glad to see you guys got a few W's this year, but that puts you kind of in the middle of the first round of the draft who do you think you guys should pick?

I think the Broncos should get a QB and some new receivers. I don't think Marshall is going to be around next year.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Well, I like the direction the
>team was headed after week
>5, but it looks like
>the ship came back to
>earth and it was just
>like it was before the
>season started. Really, I think
>McDaniels can do it, but
>he has some growing to
>do and the Broncs need
>to do some rebuilding still.
>Things aren't ever as bad
>as they seem and though
>there is some dysfunction, we
>will never be as bad
>as the Raiders! ;-) LOL
>DryFlyRaiderGuy - I was glad to
>see you guys got a
>few W's this year, but
>that puts you kind of
>in the middle of the
>first round of the draft
>who do you think you
>guys should pick?
>I think the Broncos should get
>a QB and some new
>receivers. I don't think Marshall
>is going to be around
>next year.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

First thing I would like to see happen with the Raiders is getting rid of Tom Cable. I am of the opinion that he is a woman beater, and I don't like that.

Secondly, after last years 1st and 2nd round picks, I have very little confidence that Oakland will draft well this year. Having said that, I would like Oakland to go with best player available. I don't subscribe to the draft for need mentality. I think they should take the best player (that doesn't mean the best combine numbers) available.

Last year, I wanted them to take BJ Raji and that didn't happen. Given the perception that they were going with a wide receiver in the first round, I was hoping for Jeremy Maclin and that didn't happen.

I don't have a specific player in mind yet, but I am pretty sure Oakland will go a different direction than I would.

I will be happy if they get rid of Tom Cable and get a solid coaching replacement. I don't want some 30-something trying to make a name for himself (Lane Kiffin type) and I don't want some failed retread (##### Jauron, Rod Maranelli, Marty Morningwig sp?).
I dont know anything about football, but I do know enough to know the Raiders will ALWAYS SUCK untill Al Davis is gone.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>I dont know anything about football,
>but I do know enough
>to know the Raiders will
>ALWAYS SUCK untill Al Davis
>is gone.
>"A well regulated militia, being necessary
>to the security of a
>free state, the right of
>the people to keep and
>bear arms shall not be

I take it that you were born after 2003?
I believe Josh can coach, but is a horrible play caller. In order for the Broncos to get over the hump and be a strong contender, they are going to have to bring an offensive coordinator and take the play calling job away from Josh. He kills more drives with horrible play calling than the players ever did. If I see Moreno in the backfield on 4th and 1 when we have Hillis, I am jumping ship and becoming a Texans fan. No, I would never turn my back on the Broncos, but then need a better play caller
Not a broncos fan but I will say that I think McD is going to be good. The guy knows what he is doing, and he called all those plays of the Pats for a long time. I would take his play calling anyday. He was right there in Belicheats hip pocket this whole time building Tom Brady. He just needs "his" guys, give him time, get rid of Orton, get a QB that can throw the ball down the field. I think he did the trade with Cutler thinking he just needed a body at QB, but my gosh. You guys wouldn't have had Marshall next year anyway, he is going to be the highest paid WR in football and Denver can't afford him.
denver fan for life here. but i'm pissed about the whole thing. only a fool woulda run cutler out of town in trade for orton. and in the end, although hidden the first 6 weeks, it showed. i would bet Brandon Marshall is gone next year, why would he want to be apart of this team right now? the way i see it, denver is quit awhile out before becoming a top tier team. we were a hell of alot closer last year;( i'd say get rid of the kid- mcdanials, and hope you can get a QB and pray you can talk Brandon Marshall into staying. i do think he is a thug, for lack of a more fitting name, but he has great ability at the WR position.
man i wish ELWAY was still around.........

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