CO Weighted points



Does anyone know exactly how the weighted points affect your chances in the sheep and goat draws? Can you still draw without weighted points as long as you have 3? I was thinking that a weighted point may give you more chances or names in the hat if you will.
You pretty much got it. I met quite few people who drew their first year eligable last year and I beleive the weighted point max was 3 last year, 4 this coming draw. I wish CDOW would publish who had what amount of weighted points that drew in detail. Not that it matters, would just be interesting. Good luck in the draws. I don't play that weighted crap, I'm going for desert sheep.
Thanks, Bruin. I would go for desert too if I was a Co resident. Any new info or insight on The sheep areas open to nonres?
Slim pickins for non resident sheep tags in Colorado. 1 tag in a few units, 2 in a couple other units. Gotta apply to draw though. PleaseDear drew a non resident bow tag here a couple of years ago. Good luck !
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-05 AT 04:14PM (MST)[p]Max 4 weighted points as of last year for sheep and goat.

This is the way the draw works:
When you send your application to the Division of Wildlife they assign it a number, up to ten digits long. After that is done, the DOW pics 10 numbers from 0-9 in random order through a drawing. The number chosen can be a combination of 0-9 in any order. Then they match your assigned number to the draw number. For example, if the DOW draws the random number of 2495301678. Then the draw sequence could be 01234546789. Then the drawing computer takes each application number and inverts it, so if for example your assigned number 516023 it then becomes 320615. Still with me? What this does is allows the numbers to be random and to not have any bearing on when the application was received. Then the inverted number is matched to the random draw numbers. So for this applicant the 5 becomes a 0, the 3 becomes a 5 etc. So the new number would be 592140 and will become your assigned draw number. After that, all the applicants numbers are put in order from smallest to largest, with the smallest number having the best chance of being drawn. The bigger the number the less likely you will be drawn. Now here is how the weighted preference points come into play. If you have one weighted point, the computer divides your number by 2, if you have two weighed points the computer divides your number by 3, so and and so forth. The more weighted points you have the smaller your assigned number becomes, and the more likely you are of drawing because the computer picks the smallest numbers. But the system isn't geared to ensure those with the most points will always draw. If you are assigned a bad original number in the beginning than you won't have a chance anyway. Conversely, a guy could who is in the draw for the first year being eligible (after 3 years) could get real lucky and draw good numbers. If he draws a number starting with 0 he could draw that first year, and it does happen. Statistically it does favor the hunter with with the most points because his number can get the smallest through division.

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
I drew last year as a non-resident without max points. It can happen you just have to apply.
or you can be like me and draw both max on goat points 3and 0 on sheep killed both also

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