co sheep/goat areas



I noticed since i started getting into archery that there are several areas like S57 and S34 for sheep and several areas for goat that are archery only tags. Why do they do this? Are these good areas? Anyone ever hunted them? Thanks, Gary
Well, I had thought of that but it didnt really make sense when you think of some of the goat areas so I wasn't sure. So have you heard of anyone hunting these archery only areas? are they any good? Does anyone know here? Gary
S-34 is one of the best trophy units in the state. There was a 182 + archery ram taken in the unit last year and I have seen photos of many rams in the high 170's to high 180's. First bow season is a tough draw but the second bow season has good odd's. Just from the numbers I would guess the 2nd season is a much more difficult time to hunt. Have fun.
People may be 1 reason for the archery sheep units but G5 is one of the most remote areas in the entire state for mtn goat hunters. In fact, there have been a few bowhunters killed over the years in this unit.

S34 has private land where a lot of the sheep get spooked onto after the first few days of the season. When there were a lot more tags offered it was even tougher than it is now.
If you are looking for sheep info check out

The ram on the first page is from S34.

S57 was at one time a great place until a dieoff. It's coming back but the sheep are sometimes hard to find during the season. Lots of trees, private land and national park land. I hunted S37 and took an archery ram in 2000. S37 is just south of S57 I scouted hard 15+ days and hunted 13 more before I saw a legal ram.

Most archery only areas are near large populated areas. Some are better than others. Do your homework on all the units don't just apply some place because the odds are good. You might actually draw and the be bummed you can't find a good ram.


<<<I noticed since i started getting into archery that there are several areas like S57 and S34 for sheep and several areas for goat that are archery only tags. Why do they do this? Are these good areas? Anyone ever hunted them? Thanks, Gary >>>
I would be somewhat leery of any sheep/goat units that have better than average draw odds...there usually is a reason! For the most part archery tags are somewhat easier draws than rifle tags just from the aspect that success with bow is often lower than with rifle.

Some sheep units such as S57 have had severe die-offs and are struggling. S37 has very low sheep densities in fairly remote areas. S34 has private land problems. one seems to know? The list goes on! There are outrageously rugged and remote locations in all of the archery only areas so it isn't like you are hunting between housing developments.

Unfortunately the more popular units that consistently produce better rams (S32 and others) have tough draw odds.

I think it is fantastic that the CDOW offers archery only units and hopefully we'll see more in the future!
Yeah but when are we going to see muzzleloading only hunts!?

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
there are all good if you can draw. there could be a world record at any time. muzzleloader have a season its call gun

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