Co sheep and Mt. goats



Can anybody recommend some good units for sheep and mtn. goats in co. Thinking about sheep units s54, s25, s13 or maybe s69, goat units g11 and g12. Would appreciate any help that any one can offer. I know the odds of drawing are slim to none but you got to put in somewhere. Not looking for just a ram, would like to shoot something with good size. As for mtn. goats i would just like to get one.
Saw two real nice Rams last Nov. in S64 but it is for Residents Only rifle hunt. Told the F&G cop later that week where I seen them and he was surprised and said he would relay the message to Hdqts. They had done an fly over earlier that summer and saw nothing, but I saw two rams and about 6-8 ewes and it was during the 3rd week of NOV.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-07 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]I am assuming that you already have your 3 preference points built up right?
I hunted G-7 for my billy and S-32 on my bow-Ram if ya have any questions feel frre to contact me or just ask.

Don't forget to buy some raffle tickets from the RMBS at

The season dates are extended for the auction and raffle hunters in all open units until Dec 31 2007.

You just missed out on bidding on the auction tags. They just sold this weekend. Mt Goat sold for $17,500 and the Bighorn sheep went for $92,500!

>You just missed out on bidding
>on the auction tags. They
>just sold this weekend. Mt
>Goat sold for $17,500 and
>the Bighorn sheep went for

Shoot! I was going to submit a $93,000 bid. Oh well, I guess I'll buy the next one! LOL

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I hunted G13 for goats. I did the 2nd season better fur. Seems to be quite a few goats in that unit. I got mine on Iowa peak & a buddy got one this past fall on Mtn Huron. Good luck on drawing----looks like it takes 3 points plus 4 weighed points to draw. CB
Got 1 weighted point. I know i probably wont draw just trying to do some research as to were i want to put in. Got access to property that would give me decent access in g12 and s25 and s13 but not sure of the potential or what is there. I know there are goats but i think its hit or miss.
If you have over 3 PP you have a chance, the weighted points increase your chance but they are preference points

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
What's stated above it true. As long as you've got the "required" three preference points, you might draw. I drew G4 last year with zero weighted points.
elkhuntr, I got a good billie, actually perfect small body w/big horns 4 1/2yrs old. 9 5/8 x 9 3/8 x 5 1/2. Definatley an excelent hunt but very tough to get in and out of this country. if you need to know a liitle more detail post again we'll figure out how to get in touch personally. Where are you from? Local west slope! How many points?
willhntr, Thats great that your fil owns land close or in the unit but drawing a tag is like hunting it is going to take a little patience, as i stated above i waited at least 14 years for my tag. my brother had the tag in 94 and i went w/him on his hunt and decided that was the tag that i wanted so i put that tag as the 1st choice every year until i drew and in 94 i already had been putting in for several years. You are correct in thinking you could possibly draw with 3 + 1 weighted but you should log on to the dow website and look at how many people with max weighted points put in each year. don't get in a hurry and be patient your time will come. I'm not sure how to send a pm so if you need more info possibly send me your ph# in a pm and i can ring you up. by the way I do live in western colo.
Good Luck!

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