CO Pronghorn results up!!

RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

No muzz tag for me. Only 1pp though. Oh well. I still get to chase em with my bow. Congrats to whoever drew.
RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

I drew! I'm surprised because I didn't expect it but drew statewide buck tag. 5pp

Yee Haw,

RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

Should have added it is a muzzleloader tag.


RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

Did all you guys apply for a mz tag? Can't figure it results for 2006 when I put in my cc # or name. If this means my appl. got thrown out because of an error, I may just lose it.

RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

I applied on-line for Colorado lope, but I don't see any results for 06' either. Did they take the results down?
RE: CO Pronghorn results up!!

check the post dates, this post is from last year,,,,,,2005

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.

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