CO moose draw system


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LAST EDITED ON May-12-11 AT 09:10PM (MST)[p]Looks like I didn't get a moose as expected so now 11 pts. The question I have is on the draw process. I was surprised to learn that the way it works is that you are first assigned a random number, then it is divided by the # of pts you have. So it seems more like if you are lucky and draw a low number, you're gonna draw and the points part of it doesn't really factor in to it as much as I thought it would. I thought it was weighted and you basically get your name in the hat as many times as points you have. Considering that, doesn't it seem like the more points you have doesn't weight as heavy in the process as compared to getting lucky and drawing a low number to begin with? Can anyone explain why this is the process. Perhaps I'm not seeing this correctly but it sure doesn't seem to proportionaly favor those with higher points. Not trying to be a whiner but just thought I'd see what others think about this system as it's somewhat unique compared with any other draw systems that I've seen in several other states.
When demand for something far exceeds supply, there is no way to distribute tags so that most people are happy.

Preference is good if the pools clear out on a somewhat short time, like maybe half your hunting life, 25 years... If they went to pure preference on moose, sheep, and goat, the top pool would have exclusive draw to all the tags and everyone below would be locked out till they outlived the top pool. That's not real fair...

So the weighted points are an attempt to give long in better odds. If that's better than bonus or not is debatable. But you do know for sure your random number will be lower than it would have had you had less points. Course, when everyone has a lot and the nombers get's like splitting hairs and drawing a low number is key.
Well, I learned something on MM today. I didn't know that was the way the preference points worked for moose goat and sheep in CO. Kind of an interesting way to do it.
Had a friend a couple years ago drew a Bull Moose tag on his fourth year, 1st year actualy in the draw. So I guess you never know.
I think the Colorado weighting system is one of the better ones around, especially on the species that might as well be OIL. It really comes into play if your just getting into the draw system that has been around for over a decade. I prefer a system that gives everybody, regardless of when you were born, a chance. Putting in for 40 years with no real chance of drawing seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Yes, Colorado has a funky system if you ask me. If they divide the number you drew by the number of weighted points you have, they are working with small fractions. Just a little silly I think to award a tag to a resulting number like .0876543 and not .0876544... The bottom line is you have to draw a low number in the first place to stand any chance of winning.

I like Nevada's system. They give everyone a number in the drawing even on the first application. Then they give you extra numbers in "the hat" by squaring your points. Example, if you have 10 points, you get 101 numbers in "the hat". The winners tend to have more points, but every year guys with max points don't draw while guys with a few less do... You can look at the Nevada drawing summary to see how many guys with how many point drew. Can't do that in Colorado.

Colorado moose gets harder to draw every year. More people enter the drawing pool each year than are taken out by tags awarded. Don't hold your breath...
DU has a moose raffle every year,I was lucky enough to win last year after buying 100.00 worth of tickets so it can happen to anyone.I drew WY this year but if I wasn't deep in points it would be just as cheap to go to Newfoundland
The rocky mountain bighorn society has an excellent writeup on their webpage that explains the moose/sheep/goat draw process in detail.

Personally I think Colorado's system for these species is weak, not enough 'weight' applied for guys in the draw a long time. It certainly gives some preference but not a lot. NV has it figured out, squaring your points and giving you that many chances at a low number. That rewards the long-time applicants more reasonably, IMO.

But I have drawn sheep, goat and moose(twice) so can not complain too much. But I was just very lucky.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 04:02PM (MST)[p]KHunter - I saw your other post and you are one lucky dude! I agree with your assessment and I also like the NV system as the weighting really helps more appropriately,imo. With CO, a guy could realistically put in their whole life and never draw!
I'm not positive but I don't believe they send refunds, even for points only applicants, until they have officially drawn and posted results.

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