CO Choose Desert or Rocky?


Very Active Member
Well, I just harvested my second Rocky ram in WY last year. I'm sitting on max CO sheep points. I'm debating switching up for another shot at a desert tag. I know odds really really suck on the CO desert tag. I am point rich in states with a lot more deserts than CO... CA, AZ and NV. Still odds are I'll die with a pile of desert sheep points.

Stupid idea?
Max points won't do you any good for the desert draw. I feel like you have three options:

-continue what you're doing, eventually get a rocky tag and then put in for deserts.

-flip flop every other year. You're more than likely going to draw the rocky tag long before you get a desert tag.

-abandon your max-points ship and go all in for deserts every year.

I've been diligently putting in for the deserts for 23 going on 24 years. I hope one of us draws it eventually.
If you put in for Desert you will drop out of the max point pool for Rocky's very quickly. No points for desert sheep.

Or, You could do those of us a favor who don't have either sheep so far and drop out all together. :eek: Just kidding.
Yeah stupid idea in my have a real shot at hunting Bighorns again....a HUUUUGE deal in my book...your chances for a desert tag are so slim alomost is where the guys that killed go to pass the years until they can apply again I just got out fo that puragatory a few years back and now lookin forward to huntung Bighorns again...

That is my point of view...for what it is worth
Here's a desert ram I saw last time I hunted Colorado. Of course I had an elk tag and not a sheep tag.


Have a good one. BB
Another great photo Billy!
He's hefting some weighty bases.

Elmer, You are in an enviable position with stacked points in multiple states, but I also vote you stick with your best odds with another Rocky in CO.
Deciding what species of sheep to hunt next is an exclusive game for the wealthy (or the outlandishly lucky). A game most of us can't begin to relate to!
Good luck Mr. Fudd
Max points doesn't get you much more than 3 points does in CO. It really means very little. That said, a Rocky tag has much better odds than desert, if you just want to hunt sheep. If you want to try with a bow, there are some excellent odds. The best odds for rifle hunts last year for non-residents were 1/25, 1/38 and 1/42. For bow, there were odds as good as 1/1.

Odds for the one non-resident desert tag were 1/371 last year. If your most inportant goal is to kill a desert, then switch. If you just want to hunt sheep, you'd be crazy to not continue to apply for Rocky's.

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