
I got a real laugh out of watching this debate. The best part was when the candidates were asked who had flown there on a private or chartered jet. LMAO
Bill Richardson raised his hand, put it down and raised it again. hahahahahahaha TOO funny!

Who do you think did the best answering the question and not beating around the bush?
My vote was for Joe Biden, straight and to the point more than the others.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-07 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]Just goes to show, Just because you can, does not mean you should. Who cares if the questions are from political posers in the audiance or from You-tube, they are still posers asking the same questions.
Now they can get the vote of all the 11 - 15 year old boys watching the skate boarding and Brittney videos to vote as well.

And the snowman....come on this is a presidential candidate debate not some lame internet blog, oh wait they do that too.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.

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