CNN GOP Master D bait


Long Time Member
Although I wasn't planning on watching Animal Planet, it's always nice to watch the monkeys in suits slinging scat at each other in tonight's debate.

What in the hell ever happened to the Republican Party? As a former Republican, tonight's debacle/debate truly showcased just how weak the GOP candidates truly are.

Romney's exchange with Rudy was pathetic, as Mitt tried to sleeze his way out of using contractors that employ illegals at his mansion. While Rudy who doesn't have a leg to stand on in this issue since he kissed the butt of every latino organization when he ran for mayor. Then after leaving office took a paycheck from Presidente Fox along Kerik to cash in on....wait for it..wait for it....9/11.

Romney...."I was wrong about abortion". Funny how the timing for Mitt seems to work out. He runs against Ted Kennedy in a liberal state like Boston where he boldly states his support for Roe v Wade. Now he's looking to collect GOP and evangelical money, so with remarkable timing he's now against it. Mitt's response to torture was the perhaps the most pathetic side-stepping I have seen in this political season.

When McCain chimed in it was like watching some half-crazed spineless paranoid elf-child. Although McCain was quick to jump on the world famous rodent hunting Romney. McCain was quite silent about criticizing the Bush/Gonzales Guide to Better Waterboarding 3 years ago in fears of losing a possible GOP bid.

If there was any single person that should hold disdain for the Bush Whitehouse it should be John McCain. Yet his silence over the last 7 years distances him from his true republican roots.

If McCain wins it appears we will be at war all over the world because you never know when old Adolf might rise from the dead. I guess that's what happens when you only have defense contractor as your main supporters. When McCain speaks of visiting the state fair...I mean "THE TROOPS" he sounds like a bitter Viet Nam vet still trying to right the wrongs of the fall of Saigon.

I keep waiting to return to the GOP, but not until party puts a real republican on the ticket. When Ron Paul is the only guy making sense on the stage, it leaves me shaking my head.

I could go on...but let's hear your take.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-07 AT 01:56AM (MST)[p]Reminds you of the Democrat debate does it. I saw in the paper today that Hillary is now taking some hits from a Fiscal finance think tank, that was described by the newspaper as being very liberal, on her agenda for fixing the budget. They basically said that her ideals to fix it was nothing but maintaining status quo.
going to be interesting from both sides, but I still say that if Hillary falls, it will be from inside her own party that will backstab her to get her out of contention. Even CNN took some potshots at her husband today for his flip flopping of statements while camplaining for her.
If you are going to vote democrat, I think you will be voting for obama afte the dust settles. Didn't he make a statement about bombing or going to war that upset the muslim countries? You just may have a hard decision after all if you don't like a president that may take us to a war in the middle east with Iran.

Forewall nice hit piece on the Republicans. I will let you in on a little secret..................all the candidates Dem and Rep SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So for decision time it comes down to just a few key issues.

1. The courts. I want non-activist judges, strict interpretation of the Constitution. I have a better chance of this with Republicans.

2. Strong on National Defence and pro military. I have a better chance of this with a Republican.

3. Comon scence aproach to Global Warming. I have a better chance with a Republican on this issue.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-07 AT 09:26AM (MST)[p]CNN ran - YouTube Debate

CNN - really showed there true colors.

The retired general who asked about gays and lesbians serving in the military at the CNN/YouTube Republican debate on Wednesday is a co-chair of Hillary Clinton's National Military Veterans group.

Update: And another one?Brian McMurphy at SixMeatBuffet (hat tip See-Dubya) notes that David Cercone, the Pompano Beach, Florida, man who asked the question about Log Cabin Republicans, is a declared Obama supporter.

Example: ?Journey,? a.k.a. ?Paperserenade,? the girl who asked an abortion question, is a declared John Edwards supporter.

Update: And another one?via The Autopsy?The lead toy questioner, LeeAnn Anderson, who appears to be an ordinary mom concerned about her two children, whom she includes in her video, is a prominent Pittsburgh union activist?and aide to Leo Gerard, President of the American Steel Workers Union/John Edwards supporter.

All in all - Huckabee is my fav. but whomever is on the Republican ticket will get mine for sure.

any sportsman that has a brain and cares about the future of this country should vote Republician.

When it comes to the major issues.

- security
- illegal immigrants
- gun ownership
- hunting privlages
- energy independance
- not bankrupting the country
- boosting the economy
- fair tax
- judges

The conservative viewpoint is by far the best if you are a hunter, fisherman, blue or white collar american worker.

The Demos viewpoint is good if you are a gay, PETA supporter, want gun control, LAZY, do illegal things.

"The Demos viewpoint is good if you are a gay, PETA supporter, want gun control, LAZY, do illegal things".

Exactly why I'm an exdemocrat.

Yes Fred was there - he is a conservative but not a real serious canidate.

If he would put forth an effort on the campaign trail it might make a difference.
>> 202 ... Forewall nice hit piece on the Republicans. I will let you in on a little secret..................all the candidates Dem and Rep SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+1 or +2 or whatever it's up to by now...
never imagined that I'd see a grown man, who in this case is a serious candidate for the US President, almost cry on national TV. Rudy almost started crying and one more little shove and he's been over the edge, I could NEVER ever support him for even the trash man. He just about broke down, I felt sorry for the guy, very unstable for sure.

That was, in my view, the poorest debate of all time. Sad.

Why is that the only defence the right has is, "both parties suck."

I thought you guys stuck together, but now your leaving your own to die? Wow, the GOP is done. . .
That was embarissing. 30 inchbuck you list not bankrupting the country as one reason for supporting that group of misfits, are you aware the deficit just went over 9 trillion dollars and do you have any concept what that is? Think about this if all 300 million people in the U.S. took a 2nd job paying minimum wage, and donated their wage it would take over 2.5 years to pay it off. The first wave of baby boomers retires next year, which means the work force will begin shrinking. Japan, China and South Korea hold the paper on the debt the interest we pay will be helping their economy not ours. Would most of you prefer to live in a secular republic or will you vote for Huckabee and a Theocracy. Rudy's crying and cross dressing really doesn't bother me since he's so morally strong ( Sarcasm for some of you) Mckain what can you say their expect that guy was deffinitely damaged when he was a prisoner of war. Mitt is so hypocritical he reminds me of Ted Kennedy. Fellows I've watched both the democrats and republicans and it just embarasses me. The rest of the world has to be laughing at us.
I forgot Fred. They Scr$wed him and didn't give him a script like on TV so he just stood around looking confused.
Your choice and that's what makes America great. Keep praying, like he says people's prayers are what is lifting him in the polls. I guess I would vote for Ron Paul.
If you do not like the budget deficit, you better not vote for Hillary, the "liberal" experts are accusing her program of maintaining the status quo on the budget. Heck! I believe they are wrong, she will spend more for the welfare programs, and give away programs that are true and dear to her black heart.

Every Demo out there wants to institute a health care system - WTF do you think that would cost this country.

Most of the Republicans want to institute a line item veto so that the pork belly projects get eliminated. The cost of Katrina was double because of the pork belly projects added to the spending bill. The cost of the war had billions of pork added. Mostly by your beloved demos in office currently.

Institute a line item veto and the pork goes away PERIOD. Budget goes to the black and deficit gets eliminated in less than 6 years.

Demos want to install a Health Care system - cost on this program alone will be 3 times what was spent in IRAQ. Taxes increase - more corporations move out of country - small businesses goes under - which will lead to the bankruptcy of this country -

Demos want to institute controls because of the "Global Warming BS" - again cost on this program alone will be ????????. Taxes increase - more corporations move out of country - small businesses goes under - which will lead to the bankruptcy of this country -

Republicans want to decrease taxes which leads to more business more workers - economy gets better - more overall tax income to government - less welfare programs - less government.

Yes Bush did a piss poor job of this - but the candidates of today are getting back to the real conservative roots.


Is the order I rank these guys on getting things done. I also think that the Senate and the House needs a total cleansing. Get ride of 90% of the incumbents and get some real conservatives in there.

The 3 sides of our government is a very good way to balance everything. But for the past 20 years it really has been a stalemate on most of the big issue of today?s world.

We need to clean house - however most voters in today?s world are too ignorant about what really is going on. There are too many radical groups pushing there agenda on the mainstream and as always the one that yells the loudest gets herd while the majority is ignored. The majority needs to speak up with authority.

I still have no idea why any hunter, gun owner, or sportsman would even consider voting democrat with the current democrat leaders or candidates? Given there positions regarding gun control, the UN, taxes, security of this country, illegal immigration.
Genious debate 30inch buck. Do you real;ize that Bill Clinton got the line item veto passed in 1996, in case you didn't know he was a democrat. It was declared unconstitutional by District judge Harry Jackson a Reagan appointee. His decision was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision. Because it wouldaffect the checks and balance system and give legislative powers to the executive branch. Both Republican an Democratic presidents want the line item veto and maybe they should have. I actually have mixed feelings on this. Republicans don't practice pork barrel politics probably close to as much as the democrats.

"Demos want to install a Health Care system - cost on this program alone will be 3 times what was spent in IRAQ. Taxes increase - more corporations move out of country - small businesses goes under - which will lead to the bankruptcy of this country." (Where does this figure come from or is simply from thin air)

You're remembering what Republicans used to stand for, that has changed and the party much like the democrats has no direction. As a sportsman and gun owner and with a little ability to think I don't fear a democratic president taking away my guns "2nd amendment". I haven't seen a Republican do any more on stopping illegal immigration than a democrat. what I'm saying is I'm really not seeing a good choice but the Republicans sure aren't offering up any candidate who is a savior. Sorry if I sounded like a smart a$$ but I think your research has got a few faults in it.
Clinton signed the Brady Bill.
Clinton signed the assult weapons ban.

Did this not affect your 2nd amendment rights?

All gun control issues - there is only one Democrat on the ticket that would not hesitate to sign any and all gun control bills put before them. Look at there voting records.

Yes I said this administration moved to the left on fiscal issues which is why they did not fair so well in the last elections in the House and Senate.

However most of the guys on the republican ticket are saying they want to get back to the fiscal responsibilty of the Reagan era. Not one of them are saying they want to continue the spending as Bush has done.

Hunter got the fence built in California. The money is allocated to finish - however it is being resisted now by the demos.

Like I said there are too many incumbents in the house and senate that want to continue the expansion of goverment and spending of our money. Our best hope is to clean house and put someone in as president that will try and decrease goverment programs, decrease spending on BS. Name one demo that is stating that? At least the Republicans are saying they will.

Not sure if it will happen but what message will be sending if we put someone that is saying they want to increase spending - increase taxes? Name one demo candidate that is not saying that exact thing?

Illegal Immigration has to stop - PERIOD. Look at all of the demos response to this. They are all over the place on this important issue of our time. At least most of the Republican canidates are stating they want to make sure the fence gets built and the borders secured.

Yes the supreme court did rule against the line item veto - that is why it will need to be an amendment.

The US has to continue to fight the war on terror. I know it is a costly adventure but just like our fathers and grandfathers paid the price for WWI and WWII we need to continue to provide a safe place for our children and defeating terrorism should be a priority for us.
My compliments some good points to think about for sure. I'm not sure I would want most of our previous presidents to have the line item veto. Too much of a break on the checks and balance system designed by the fore fathers. Bush said he was going to do something 4 years ago on limiting immigration not much has changed. Saying your going to do something just doesn't impress me give me a plan. I guess i'm still hoping for an independent ticket that could rally this country together probably a dream but who knows.

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