CMA Awards last night?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-10 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Good show as always. Lots of good live performances.

To h#ll with the blind, Miranda would be fun to share a tub of Crisco with!!
I thought it was a good show, good performances. The acoustics sucked though, need to fire the guy on the mixing board. Lead mic was quiet, guitars quiet, drums were loud. Coulda done better there but everything else was cool.

Justr, !00% +1

Really too bad, i would have enjoyed the show a lot more if i could have heard it. Actually, i was wondering if it was my set so i'm glad you chimed in!

I like Miranda, and love that she hunts, but is it just me or is she a biscuit away from blowing up?
Yeah, pretty good show. Paisley was pretty good and that veggie chick next to him was alright.

Miranda has got some great legs..Being a gym rat, I can appreciate those things! I wouldn't kick her out of my blind either!

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Kelly Pickler must eat a biscuit or 2!

Brad said that Kelly is also engaged so maybe one in the "bread basket" now.

I still can't get over what a waste Carrie Underwood is being a spokesmen for HSUSA. That girl could have been American Royalty for life! Damn shame!!


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