close it down!


Long Time Member
man, what a dissapointment the southern unit was, not a single deer was sigthed, 4 days and not one buck was seen, very minamal water in that S, unit...

gonna try one more time next week...
One of my dad's co-workers had the Wagontire tag and only saw three deer. Wow. Makes you wonder why ODFW even issues any deer tags for the unit at all.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-10 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]Cha-ching...

I guess the real Q is my sanity for applying...the only place we saw deer was Christmas valley near the alfalfa fields and I ain?t no pet shooter

hey silverlake176' you live in Silver lake area, I saw two nice bucks come outta there this week end, a 26" & heavy 22"...?
you know back in 1981 I heard that Utah closed a unit down for 5 years to bring back the quality ( Elk Ridge)...Why can't Oregon have the Kahoines to do something like that!
I was in the same "S" unit and saw 5 bucks, no shooters, and 4 does in day 1. Put 68 miles on according to my gps, and saw 3 does the whole rest of the week and they were in the headlights. What beautiful habitat not to have small herds of does and forky's in every small pocket. I am sure ODFStupid has some educational answer for this and it has nothing to do with predators. As a matter of fact as I was dropping off the top opening morning, I spotted 2 cougars, both with packs on, and headed south. Not even any game left for them to eat! No BS! I will not be giving ODFStupid any tag money next year, well probably salmon tag and that's it!
Manny 53

No I'm not from Silver Lake. I live in Klamath Falls. SilverLake176 comes from the unit I use to hunt alot when I was a youngster. I can remember my dad taking me to the SilverLake unit when I was only 7 years old. Burr. I use to freeze my ass off when I was only 7. But we use to see some damn big deer in the unit back in the day. The last time I hunted the unit was in 2001. How sad that unit has became. The hard winter on 91 killed alot of deer in the unit. However when ODFW issued over 2,000 doe tags in 1997 was what killed the unit. Never has the unit been the same. ODFW biologist said the logic behind the 2,000 doe tags (doe tags for 9 years) was to get the buck to doe ratio back in check. A much more logical solution would have been to cut the buck tags. (ie, increase the buck to doe ratio), but since we live in Oregon you know what ODFW thinks.

Thanks to ODFW they screwed up another good deer hunting unit.

Dude I drove through the wagontire unit on my way to silvis to help my sister with a bull tag this last weekend and there were bucks everywhere... forkies to monsters!

Just kidding, but seriously is there ever any deer in that area? It looks like great winter range from X-mas valley through Riley..tall sage and healthy bitter brush looking flats-but I did not see sh!t driving through.

my sister didnt get a bull either..
i know some guys who kill some toads in that general area. obviously they are doing something different and right. but i dont know what it is, i just get to see pictures of their bucks EVERY year
KB that's interesting..

there was some ausome looking juniper sage intermix to the west of the actual town of wagontire; maybe like a big cattle ranch butting up to it that really made me want to take a look. Dunno if all that is private or what- but muley habitat for sure!

KB, I am heading up somewhere in OR soon for the entire month of November.. hear of any good un's?? Or how about some general winter range that is public for me to scope out? Thinkin of metolius but there are so many options!
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