Client 9


Very Active Member
Client 9 was linked to a Prostitution ring in DC, it is alleged he paid $4300 for four hours of anything goes and put some $ down for the next time. Client 9 is also a former State AG and prosecuted two highend Prostitution rings in NYC. Client 9 is married and the father of 3 teenage daughters, and the funniest thing of this is he is a Super Delagate for the democratic party. He shouldn't have too much to worry about, some of his coharts have been linked to homosexual trysts, kiddy porn, and seducing young male pages, after all it's only our government.
Shucks man, only the "R" are held to account for such things. The "D" consider it a resume builder...
good grief, for $4300 I would think the Gov could get some skank to stay in the mansion for a week, do'in him and his wife.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-08 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]What would you have to have or know to command that amount of money for "bed" work?

Where is kkk when we need answers??

Another perfect example of Democrats putting our money to good use.:)

YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!

Just imagine if he were president.
>Another perfect example of Democrats putting
>our money to good use.:)
>YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!
>Just imagine if he were president.
..........and not shopping for the best available price!!!!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-08 AT 07:58AM (MST)[p]This just goes to show that some men's best friend is also their worst enemy.

Should'a put his dog in the trunk...

And, if he'd have put his wife in there too, chances are she wouldn't be as mad as she is now.......

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