Clemens in Congress.......


Long Time Member
So, Roger Clemens is on the hotseat in Congressional hearings. I don't understand what government has to do with steroid use in sports, or ANYTHING to do with sports, in the first place.

Why are there no Congressional hearings on why I have to pay $3.50 a gal for gas. Why is heating fuel so high? Why are drug manufacturers ripping us off? Why are Veterans getting the shaft from our Government?

And I don't want to hear the "role model" arguement, that's crap. Kids been using this stuff since the 70's, just like pot, cigarettes, alcohol and sex......they don't need "roll models".

Ever listen to rap music?......ever seen the video games available? you see what kids nowdays dress like? many of todays' kids can even spell the word "steroid"?

There are a boatload of Congressmen and women wasting time and money on this BS and another boatload of them wasting time and money on the campaign trail. No wonder they can't get anything "real" accomplished!!!
Great post, nickman and one I too would love to hear the answer to.
Isn't the job of the baseball commissioner to police the rules and enforce them? The Cycling world stepped up and took it upon themselves to stop the doping in the Tour de France, why can't baseball or any other american sport, as I do not believe this cheating is limited to baseball alone...

Stop Global Whining
I wish Congress would investigate all of the idiot environmental groups that have led to $3.00+ gasoline, too.

THESE hearings are about perjury. That's a big deal.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-08 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]I hate to disappoint you, gb22, but until congress brought these guys in to testify, there was nothing to perjure themselves about. Whether Clemens it telling the truth or not, until they brought him to congress, he hadn't done anything they have jurisdiction over. If it's about perjury, it can only be due to someone in congress trying to get him to commit it in front of them. If congress were taking care of what they should be doing, they'd be working on other stuff than this.

This stuff is along the same lines as Arlen Specter bringing Roger Goodell in to discuss why he destroyed the Patriots/Jets tapes. What the heck kind of jurisdiction does congress have over something so trivial, in the big scheme of things, as getting involved in this. NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED, NOBODY DIED, THE ECONOMY DIDN'T FALL APART, as a result of the Patriots taping, so why the heck is congress gettng involved? Is Specter just a Jets fan?

We have a far bigger problem with congress than we do with sports in America. There are far more members of congress who have serious character flaws than what they're investigating, AND THAT IS A PROBLEM.

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