Clemens and roids


Long Time Member
The hearing is going on right now with the Rocket and it looks like he's burning up on the launch pad. The guy is having a bad day and not looking credible at all. Guilty of roid use or not?
It is a shame. Roids has become a label that no athlete can shake off. Anyone can label an athlete and it is automatically believed by the media and everyone else.
Look at what Lance Armstrong went through. The most tested man in history and never once came up posative yet he is still under suspision and still labeled a druggy.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Who cares if these guys "use" or not, baseball is a boring sport to watch as it is, especially if noone's hitting the balls out of the park!!

"enhancements" will ALWAYS be used in sports, it's a war that will never be won and the chemist will always be a step ahead of the testing.

hell, look at Lance Armstrong winning all the bike races and what he did for that sport, and NOW he's admitting to using "enhancements" the entire time he was being tested!!

And on another note....our own government gives our soldiers D-bol and Winstrol tabs to keep them in the best shape of their where does the hypocrosy lie???

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
"hell, look at Lance Armstrong winning all the bike races and what he did for that sport, and NOW he's admitting to using "enhancements" the entire time he was being tested!!"

Where did you here this?

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I am sure the Feds are going to DEA test the bloody needle and all that stuff!
>"hell, look at Lance Armstrong winning
>all the bike races and
>what he did for that
>sport, and NOW he's admitting
>to using "enhancements" the entire
>time he was being tested!!"
>Where did you here this?

I think he's talkin bout male enhancements, right Feleno ?
I'm sure he needs "male enhancements" from sitting on a bicycle seat for millions of miles his whole life!!

I was told he's talked about "using" in his book.
Not sure exactly which drug it actually was, it was a new one so new that the testing committe didn't have a test for it.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
And OJ is innocent. . . yea right, RC is as truly guilty as OJ and because of his horribly selfish decisions he should pay the price, do not pass go, do not collect a 100 bucks, go straight to jail and be forced into the of hall of shame. Come to think if it, it's about time they build a place like that and guys like OJ, RC and magic the cheating fool Johnson can have their shrines. . . . that way the world will never forget that cheating gets you no where but trouble . . .

I hope theyre building the gallows as we speak cause there's a bunch more coming behind him!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]" is boring"..????......and you got a name like SLAMDUNK? that IS strange, right there!

All you self righteous "Christians" should be proud of convicting a guy without any brag about what great Americans you are and then discard one of the basic American principles of our Justice system. You make me laugh at your ultimate ignorance and hypocracy.
Easy nickman, i'm on YOUR side, read the other post my friend!

The nickname "slamdunk" has nothing to do with professional sports, i get called that by my fellow guides becuase i found giant buck for a client a few years back and said "this buck will be a SLAMDUNK"....therefore it stuck.

Don't be fooled by what i said, i absolutely LOVE baseball of all levels...i simply said it's boring to watch if nothing exciting is happening and all the pro's that are getting crucified for "using" is what makes baseball more "exciting".

When i knew Mcguire or Sosa was getting up to the plate, i freakin watched, anyone else stepped up to bat, i went to the rest room.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I've read all his books and he has never said anything like that.

I am currently reading "Lance Armstrong's War: One Man's Battle Against Fate, Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour de France" By Daniel Coyle. No mention of drug use by lance what so ever.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Sorry Slam.....I had gone to edit even before you replied....Thin skin after several years and several family members struggling to make the "bigs", thru the minor leagues.
He's guilty but that doesnt change the fact he is one of the top 3 pitchers of all time. Roids or not, muscles or not, the guy can flat throw a baseball, and I HATE the yankees.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Well i definately and honestly can't say when or where he said it (maybe he didn't, again i can't honestly say) it's just what i was told in a similar debate of the subject.

And i'm not doggin on Lance on bit, nor do i care what he took even if he did, he's one hell of an athlete.

The drug that was used was so new at the time there was no test for it. Google the drug called PGCL, it's been around secretly for a few years now but just barely became public.

And lets talk about proffessional sports that are NOT drug tested, the last one you'd ever even think of...RODEO.

I personally know a guy who sells illegal enhancements to a professional bull rider AND a steer wrestler!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
That hearing or as I would call it a WITCH HUNT is a freaking joke. It is clear that the questions varied depending on which party they were from. That is our hard earned tax dollars that those arrogant Beuracrats are blowing just so they can get some publicity and have there mug on TV. What a joke.
"He's guilty but that doesnt change the fact he is one of the top 3 pitchers of all time. Roids or not, muscles or not, the guy can flat throw a baseball, and I HATE the yankees."


The problem is there are outstanding athletes that are clean that can't compete with roid users. How would you like to be clean and stepping up to the plate against a roid user? Or how would you like to be clean and throwing to a roid user? Your career would be pretty short.

Tell us who the bull rider and steer wrestler is?

Half of the meatheads in my neck of the woods ate roids to be tough. There for awhile a 12 pack of beer was harder to find than roids.
I wouldn't throw someone under the bus like that by giving out their names even if i knew who it was.

It's a guy i personally know that uses enhancements that sells to two differen't guys that are into professional rodeo.
Neither of them are trying to get "bigger", they use drugs that make them stronger. \

"Boldenone" or the street name "Equipoise" make you very strong, but aren't a mass builder.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

Good call. It sucks to have "America's #1 Sport" into roids. I believe they are testing the bulls for performance enhancing drugs though? I think they have found they really do not help but they test to be sure.

I used to like The Rocket when he was with Boston. Since then, he seems to be a weinie. Part Time Roger.
I'm not promoting or condoning anything illegal here, i hope noone thinks that because i may sound "defending".

All i'm implying is that as long as there are competitive sports being played, drugs will be used to get the "edge" and records will always be broken because of them.

As sad is it's true, and it's in EVERY sport from rodeo to bowling and everything in between.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
We got Iraq, the economy, the Russians, China, N. Korea and Iran to worry about and the senate is wasting money chasing down entertainers.

Using the Fed Gov to fix every stupid problem we have is bordering on scary.

sure the roids are out of control, but a different solution than using my tax dollars should be employed. I'm trying to save it for Hussien Obamas' social programs. I only make so much ya know.
Isn't it ironic that those on the left side of the aisle, the supposedly enlightened ones, are the quickest to jump to judgement and profess the need for banishment, and harsh punishment!!!

I think it was TFinal who recently posted a thread about Right Wing Authoritarians, and I commented at the time that it could also be said of Left Wing Authortirians. You just proved my point.

I have an open mind about whether he did or didn't use. I could make a statement based on what I believe, but then I'd just be doing what so many others are doing, SPECULATING.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]Good post jimnv-

I sure would like to see them spend MY tax dollars fighting all these illegal aliens that are dumping the heroin in this country, and the oxycontins that are killing my only daughter and the millions of other Americans out there!

To hell with hitting home runs on testosterone, stop the drugs that are hurting something "real"....our people!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"



This whole investigation is just a waist of time, when it comes right down to it there wasn't any rule against steriods in MLB until just a few years ago, none of these guys have tested positive since the rule was put in place. So what is the point of waisting tax payers dollars on this investigation, couldnt congress be doing something better, like working on a exit plan for iraq, or healthcare or something that would better the country.
Guilty!! If Pete Rose can't get into the hall of fame for gambling on baseball as a manager Clemens should never even be considered...
325 WSM,

No offense, but steroids may not been illegal in baseball, but they were against the law to possess. That is why the judiciary took it up in the first place because of baseballs anti-trust exemptions.When anti-trust exemptions came up baseball was willing to listen, because they will get screwed monetarily if they lose that exeption. The same reason Goodell the NFL commissioner is meeting with Senator Spector, spy gate, anti-trust exemption.

As for the Rocket who I once liked. He did steroids plain and simple. Yes that is an opinion, and no this is not a court of law so get off the innocent until proven guilty bs. I think sports and athlets need to be held 100% accountable. IMO whoever thinks the Rocket didn't do steriods probably thinks OJ didn't do it either.

It is pretty sad a bunch of hunters waiting the draw out and talking about these so called issues. I want to be hunting.
Two questions:
1)What is the congress doing wasting their time and our tax money looking into this? That is the baseball commissioners job.
2)If they all did it then should all records be expunged?
IMHO, cheating is cheating no matter who did it or what they used and this is just another example of sports gone wild. Bad behavior on the field and off, especially cheating is wrong and demeans the very name of sport.
Stop Global Whining
Without the roids he'd still be an amazing picture. Muscles dont make you throw a ball that much harder. If you think it does look at Randy Jonhson, he has twig arms and the threw in the 100's consistently. Clemens probably did use em, but admit it, with or without the guy can flat @$$ throw a baseball.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Great reply timberline, you are exactly right!

Once your arms get a certain size, it would inhibit your ability to throw.
legs too....too big, you will actually slow down.
Certain drugs are for certain thinghs. Most sports players (aside from bodybuilding) use meds that make them stronger, faster and more endurance.

Tiger woods want to be the fittest golfer in the world, but he has too be careful NOT to put on size or he'll lose his billion dollar swing.

It's too bad these players that were already great, wanted to be "greater" and dabbled in something that smeared their names.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Exactly, there are a ton of athletes out there that arent big muscular-wise but have a ton of power. Also like Luiz Gonzales, won the homerun derby and has twig arms as well. Oh well only time will tell.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Randy Johnson was always my favorite pitcher.
Knocking a flying pigeon out of the air with a baseball is quite impressive, even though the top of his arms are no bigger than his forearms.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
What about the excuse "I took steroids to help me heal faster, so I could come back and play sooner"

Any truth to that?

Yes eel, there's more truth to that than people realize.
Nandralone Deconate (deca) is a "super healer" for torn muscle and damged tendons.

When a football or baseball player goes on the "injured list", that's usually what they put them on to heal them quickly.

But it's "legal" at that point ya know!! lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I for one cannot figure out what the deal is? Who cares if anybody did HGH, hell I would like to get my hands on some to help my ankles. I just don't know why someone would go to prison for lieing about it? Seems like alot of wasted time and money to me. What difference does it make whether he did or not?
it is sad that all the problems we have in this Nation and Congress is wasting time and money on Past Time sports????????????????????????????
Great replies doityourself and elk-horn, i agree.

And ANYONE can legally get HGH through a rejuvination clinic, It's actually the new fad right now in aging men and women!!

Take a look at "south beach rejuvination" online, that's just one of hundreds around the country administering and prescribing HGH, IGF-1 or ANY testosterone elevating medicine.

This is how a man in his 40's or 50's is as good if not better than he was in his 20's!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Timberline your right when you said clemens was great with or without the roids. I played from high school to A league pro ball. The great players were great before roids. As far as pitchers taking roids its 100% for recovery from injury. Big bulky muscle is a pitchers worst enemy, it slows arm speed, and hurts the flexability of the arm.Our pitchers never weight trained during the season for the exact reason. And as for hitters yes added power does help, but bat speed is much more important. And you dont have to be big to generate fast bat speeds.

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