Clemans Mt. sheep.



Drew a Clemans Mt. sheep tag this year! Never, ever did I think that would happen. Anyhow am excited and looking for any info on this area for the late hunt i.e. weather, elevation, wind's, terrain, campsite's etc. Stuck here at work all week and want be able to get over there until this weekend for some scouting. Thank you.

You lucky DOG!!!!!!!! You might want to contact Kirk. I believe his cousin drew that tag a year or 2 ago, and he was on the hunt.
I have another friend who drew it last year. He got a nice ram on his second day. You will get a ram. Hold out for a good one!

As the president of Washington FNAWS, congrats! I have been on a couple hunts in Cleman over the years. You will have a very good time as there is a high number of rams and on public property. Sometimes sheep can be spotted from the road on top of the ridge but most are about mid elevation. The best rams taken from there are about 160 or so.

I also encourage you to go to our website at and you will find some older info about Clemans and maybe even a few pics. There you can also print off a membership form and join our chapter.

Good luck,

Glen A. Landrus
Blacktail, this is troys cousin, dont worry, well find you a ram. I live real close to there so it will get scouted. Im going to get some pics of my cousins two rams they shot up there two years ago, i was on that hunt and it was a blast. They each scored 150 something. If theres any snow you may need to chase em out of the feeding station.
Hey guys. Just curious what you guys think about what is the best sheep units here in WA. In numbers, or in the chance for a big one. Both California and Rocky i guess. Just new to the whole sheep thing, Live close to the Swakane herd and always see them. Just love em, what an awesome animal.
Hello Kirk. Was hoping, and sorta knew, you'd sniff out this thread and reply! I feel like a 7 year old boy again, waiting to open up his new/used .22/.410 Savage that's stuffed under the Christmas tree. The first couple of day's (after drawing the tag's)(more on that later) I just wanted to soak it in. Now it's time to plan and work (good/fun work mind ya'). Anyway I also drew a Toutle any bull Elk tag this year. The dilemma is that the Toutle Elk tag season open's 11/04/06 and run's to the 12th. and the Cleman's sheep tag open's on 11/06/06 and run's to 11/30/06. Since both tag's are pretty damn special I figured I'd best make the most out of both! My plan is to scout the Toutle 3 day's prior to the opener (I also plan to scout it extensively in the next few week's),hunt the elk opener to the 9th or 10th and then head over for the Sheep hunt for about 7 day's. I think I told Troy I'd head over to hunt sheep on the 9th or 10th or,earlier if I tagged out on the elk,(hopefully earlier). The only real glitch in that plan, that I can see, is that the other sheep tag holder's will/may have tagged the bigger boy's. Hopefully though I can pull off getting 2 pretty boy's! Well it's getting late for this 44 year old boy. I'll be looking for your reply. By the way...are you like'd rather hunt than breathe? See ya'.
If you were like me and can't draw a tag to save your life you would not have problems like this. But I hope you have a great season and bring home a couple of great trophys? I go over to feed lots every year looking at those sheep. How many years have you been putting in for sheep?
Hello Craig. Thank you for wishing my season well. I'm still a bit stunned that I drew so well this year. One itty bitty black cloud that is hanging over my head is that about 8-10 year's ago I drew a goat tag and spent 17 day's hunting (eating absolutely nothing but granola,mixed nut's(I still hate filbert's)and blueberries and drinking only water and sucking on Folger's coffee bag's(weight saving's) and never even saw a goat or track or hair/wool in my permit unit. Learn from this: I didn't scout the unit. I went on the word of an aquaintance at work to "not worry, right here(on the map) is where they are". I've got 14 week's to get all my planning,scouting and research in and so far I'm pleased with my progress. I don't aspire to go strictly after record book stuff. All I really want is something: mature and pretty and legal. To answer your question: I'm not sure how long I've been applying but, I had the full amount of 10 point's (since WDFW switched to the point system) and I know I applied for a while before then. Keep applying. Savor your season. Patrick.
Congratulations Patrick! That is quite a good piece of luck drawing that tag! It seems like some guys have a knack for drawing tags. (I'm not one of them). I have drawn a couple of bull permits in the past but I can't seem to draw the deer permit I want. On those sheep and goat permits the odds are tough no matter how many points a guy has. Like many of us, I have been applying for these tags since the state went to the point system. I am hoping to someday draw one of those tags before I get too old. The good thing about drawing your tag is that it went to someone well deserving. You're a dedicated hunter, you're detail oriented, and you are methodical about how you aproach your hunts. I'm sure you'll have an excellent opportunity for a great sheep. Congratulations, best of luck, and I hope to see some pictures and hear the story later this fall!


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