
Shave your cat if necessary. If the problem is severe, it will be easier for you to first shave your cat's rear end. It makes the cleaning process much faster and easier on him too.
Use blunt tipped scissors carefully. If your cat is very high-strung or hard to handle, he might not tolerate the noise of the clippers and you may have to resort to scissors, which are slower and more risky to use. Use blunt tipped scissors to reduce the chance of injury if your cat struggles.
Bathe the area to be clipped. An initial bath can make it easier to trim his rear end manually and to ease irritation to his skin. In these circumstances, if you can, briefly submerge your cat's rear end in plain, shallow, lukewarm water to loosen up clumps and matts, and to eliminate the worst of the odor and stains. If your cat won't tolerate this, try using a soppy wet wash cloth on his rear followed by drying him with paper towels to remove as much grime as possible. In any case, if after the initial cleaning you can see that the cat's skin is scabby, red, or oozing, take him to the vet anyway for medication to reduce inflammation and infection. While you are there, ask the vet for advice about clipping the cat's rear.
Keep trimming regularly. After your cat's first "butt-bath", you may have to briefly clean and work on trimming your cat's rear every day or two for a little while, depending upon how severe the problem is and how well your cat tolerates this process.
Clean your cat daily. Once he is finally cleaned up, you will need to clean him with baby wipes once every day or so for maintanence. Regular combing or brushing helps maintain this "makeover".

If that fails go with the ROBO CAT CLEANER!

Thanks for your kind response!

Well ... it seems TTK saw BESS lurking in the kitty litter section of Albertsons .... just trying to help a buddy out here!

Thanks for the input!

>When my cat gets dirty, i
>just "throw it away" and
>go get a clean one.

Exactly Tag.. I thought everybody did that.. Hell I never even considered washing one. Sometimes I like to change things up a bit when I get new one and get a different colored kitty. There are lots of them out there.
>If you're gonna shave it you
>might need the holder/carrier.

Wow NVBighorn.. That is one damn fine cat carrier.. I should get one of those for my wifes kitty.. She does not like getting in to her regular cat carrier very much and tends to bite and scratch a bit to let you know that kitty would rather not get into the carrier.

I think the pointy end should be used on the head. Then the only carrying you do is to the dump behind the house....

Nothin' better than a clean trimmed kitty.....


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