"Classifieds" Scam Warning!

  • Thread starter Buglemaz (Guest)
  • Start date

Buglemaz (Guest)

Hello all,
I just wanted to pass on an experience I am going through involving posting on the "Monstermuleys" classifies. I placed an open ad stating "looking for..." hoping to find someone with the product I wanted to buy. I see ads like this on the site all the time. I got a response after a couple weeks from someone stating they had the product I wanted for sale and asked me to make an offer. I offered what I had to spend (all my savings)and they accepted. They requested I wire the money to receive it immediately becuase they were to be out of town the next day. I instead oppted to send a money order and told them to send it once my money had arrived. They were very quick to respond to my emails...until I sent the money. After about a week, I wonderd why I hadn't heard from them or received the item. I emailed back and they said it would be sent out the next week. I waited the next two weeks with nothing. Then I emailed to find out what the deal with the delay was. Well, that was the last I ever heard from them. I emailed them six more times and called several times over the next two weeks with no answer. I then emailed that I would be seeking legal action against them if they did not respond back. Again, no reply. I am currently finishing paperwork for a lawsuit, but I am afraid this may be a scam that someone is doing. I really don't believe the subject had the item, but rather prayed on me because I posted a "looking for..." type ad. Please be very careful out there, especially with the holiday season approaching. The subjects info is as follows:
Email: [email protected]
Address: Reading, PA
Feel free to contact me if you think this person has contacted you and you need more specifics on their information. Thank you.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-03 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p] That is horrible man I really feel for you I sure hope you can find who did that to you. I just put a add in monster muleys and i will keep a eye out for scams.
Ya,I just dealt wiyh some dishonest people today,the world is getting wicked quick.
I hope you HAMMER that person's Ass!
On judgement day there are a Hell of alot of people in trouble!
If I could just get my claws around their neck,maybe I could get you some satisfaction.
Sad to say but it's not far off & you won't be able to trust anybody.
Good Luck,BESSY.
I have been screwed like that,Once on ebay and once by a taxidermist in Delores Colorado.
I hope you nail his ass to the wall!
You might look into charging him with postal fraud,which would carry a Very heavy penalty!
Good Luck!
Reading is in my backyard (unfortunately). If you want me to do anything for you locally, e-mail me. Maybe I can knock on a door and find out the scoop? Let me know how I can help.

ScottinPA (trying to get to MT)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-03 AT 00:27AM (MST)[p]I think I had a similar experience just last month. After posting an ad for my bow, I got an e-mail almost imnediately from a gal wanting to buy it for your boyfriend for a birthday gift. She made me an offer and wanted to send me a refund check from a car dealer that was going to send her a check for a few thousand dollars. What the refund was for, I didn't know. She was leaving out of town on "business" and wanted to get the deal done real quick. Anyhow, I just asked her to send me a cashier's check for the amount and for postage and she started getting really P.O.d about the deal and wanted to send me this damn refund check from a car dealer, have me take my cut out and send her a check for the rest. She could have sent the funds after she cashed the refund check but just couldn't do it was the first sign of raising a red flag. Just couldn't understand why she wouldn't just send a cashier's check and be done with it. Something just wasn't right. She got her panties in a wad and refused to send the cashier's check and insisted on sending me this refund check from some car dealer, I just bailed out on the deal as I felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing.. You just knew there was some crooked Chit going on.
Maybe if your buying something other than real estate, one should have it sent COD! jack
i was also almost scammed out of 6 ,000 $ please let me you email of person you delt with
jacknjo is right. The only way I buy or sell to/from an individual is c.o.d., It may cost a couple bucks more, but, someone is crazy to send money or merchandise to someone thousands of miles away without ever knowing that person. If you buy something from someone and it isn't quite what they stated, you can always refuse it c.o.d., no harm no foul. The honor system is great in a perfect world, unfortunately this is not that place.
I also have a bow for sell in the classifieds. A person contacted me wanting to buy it and send me a certified cashiers check for 1900.00 and then wanted me to wire them the remaining balance via western union. I did some research and found out this was a scam that was going on. In which a counterfiet check is sent and once you cash it and send the money. The bank will eventually find that the check is a bad check and then you are held responsible. This scam is a varation of the old Nigerian Scam that has been around for a while. So be careful out there and be wary of suspcious acts
Isn't there a way to track their IP address or something? Maybe the cops can trace it. Ya can't sue cuz he probably don't have any money & spent your money on crack. If ya kick his ass then he files assault charges on you. If you shoot him it's murder. I've had to swallow $1000 loss before & it SUCKS. I hope they get the fargin bastage.
So far I have filed a lawsuit with the address I sent the money. Haven't heard anything since. Thanks to everyone who replied with words of wisdom and their support. It was good to hear from you all!

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