Cinco De Mayo


Ok, i may get my arse in a ringer here but here goes anyway-

WHY WHY WHY are we celebrating a mexican holiday in America??

Do they Mexican's celebrate the 4th of July IN Mexico??

Here we are fighting illegal immigration and what it's doing to OUR country, yet we are showing solidarity by celebrating THIER holdiday on OUR soil???


Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 10:12AM (MST)[p]If they made it a national paid day off holiday like Martin Luther King day I wouldn't have a problem with it :)
My neighborhood has this stupid party for it every year, and there's not one Mexican that even lives in our area!

As usual....i won't be there. :)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I agree. I don't have anything to do with this crap. As far as I'm concerned it is just another day of the week. When people tell me "happy cinco de mayo" I tell them to shut the hell up. Its a joke.

It's Bush's fault!!! is just that you all don't appreciate the significance of the holiday.

You see, the people of Mexico simply love mayonaise. And way back when, they couldn't get it very easy as it all had to be imported from Europe. They ordered millions of pesos worth.....about $29.00 US...from France and it was on the Titanic for shipment to Mexico City. When the Titanic sunk and all the mayo was lost, the Mexican government declared a national day of mourning.....hence "Cinco De Mayo".

If some of you had any sensitivity.....
A good friend of mine that lives in Mexico tells me it is not a big deal down there, were he's from, maybe its just celebrated more here to piss off Gringos, either way you might as well get used to the idea, since I understand by 2050 there will be more Latinos than anyone else, maybe if your nice to them when they make up the majority they will be nice to you back.
Who cares what it's celebrating? It's just a good excuse to eat nachos and drink beer and take a siesta. I'm all for it.

I WOULD be nice to them if they'd respect my country, speak the language, be "citizens" and not fly their flag here!

Like sremin said in his reply...."Shut the hell up". Lol
(i still luv ya!)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Its no different than Octoberfest. Just another reason for drinkin beer.


BFE... according to the news the other night, they already do make up the majority. A million and a half this last year just sent them over 50% of the US population. Nickman... that's funny as hell!
According to the news....That's a made up figure because they have NO IDEA how many there are.
Don't worry, soon enough it will be a paid holiday! The libs will see to that!
Now look what you gone and done....Went and STOMPED all over a VERY sore spot of mine!!! IF Mexico is such a wonderful country, take your car with the mexican flag front plate, pack your 6.7 kids and wife in it and drive back there! As far as I know Mexico will not tax you more in order to be able to send out TWO pages of the same document in TWO different languages, or to pay for the free programs for ILLEGALS, which I doubt there are too many in the first place because everyone else knows MEXICO BLOWS!!!
I agree it should not be celebrated so much in America but dang, they sure did make the margaritas extra dark yesterday.
I was in Houston TX on the anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto and not a thing was being done to honor it. I did read in the paper in the edatorial section things aren't putting anything in the paper about the battle for Texas independance because of all the mexican readers....I thought when you came to this country you became an American and would fight for the stars and stripes. Pretty sad when America honors a mexican holiday before honering their own.
Off topic, but I couldn't help it..

At the battle of the Alamo, when William Travis was standing on the wall looking out at all the Mexican soldiers, Davy Crockett walked up, took one look and said, "I didn't know we were pouring concrete today"
Cinco De Mayo. I work with a bunch of Mexicans. I asked them why they celebrate Cinco De Mayo. They said they defeated the French. I said what's the big deal, everybody defeats the French.

Ok - here's a question for you - a couple actually. How many here are Irish? Did you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? Did you eat corn beef hash and drink green beer? Did they have a parade in your town? What the hell does that have to do with being American? How many are Italian? What did you do on Columbus Day? You know he didn't actually discover the land on which the United States resides right? What does Columbus Day have to do with being American? How many of you are German? Are you going to celebrate Oktoberfest? How about Swiss days?

All I am saying is that Cinco de Mayo has become as much a part of U.S. culture, especially in certain areas as other holidays that aren't "American" either. Most Mexican-Americans, who have no more ties to Mexico than most Irish-Americans do to Ireland will celebrate their heritage and culture for one day a year. So what is really the big deal? Guess what guys - we live in the 3rd largest Spanish speaking country in the world. There are more people that speak Spanish as their native language in the U.S. than there are in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and all of the Caribbean. And that population is only going to grow, legally and illegally. We can't stop them from coming. We have it too good here compared to where they live. This is a great country with no real homogenous ethnic identity. "We" are us much Irish as we are English, Swedish as we are Polish, Greek as we are Italian, African as Asian, Latin as Anglo. If you were living in a different country wouldn't you still celebrate the 4th of July? Hell, I'm from Utah originially but I live in Texas and I still celebrate the 24th of July! It doesn't have any significance to my neighbors but it does to me and they have to put up with my MOTAB for a day just like I have to put up with their Tigres del Norte. Whoop-dee-doo!

Also, Cinco de Mayo wouldn't be nearly as big if wasn't as commercialized as it is. Take a look around at the advertising that is going on. It is big big money! Did you notice the new Bud Light Lime - why do you think they waited until May to release it? I guarantee you that ALL of the ethnic holidays are important to the beverage companies in this country, and THAT is why they are perceived to be so celebrated in this country.

I understand your frustrations with illegal aliens and the institutionalized double standards that exist surrounding ethnic minority groups, but don't blame the people for being from that country, blame capitalism and multi-culturism. Don't blame anything really - sit down, kick back, have a Corona and some tamales, just like the green beer and corn-beef and sauerkraut you eat on St. Patrick's day and be glad you live in a free country were you can celebrate whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want to. ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
........"and be glad you live in a free country where you can celebrate whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want to"....and crack jokes about whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want to.

What's your point here Roy?

I haven't heard anyone here threaten to burn up your pinata'....

Maybe some of us don't take things serious all the time. But as you so clearly pointed out, it is a free country.

Adios Amigo.
No problem with the jokes - just pointing out a couple things. Sorry you didn't see my tongue sticking in my cheek. Pretty tired - so it probably didn't come across like I wanted it to, but didn't intend to bust anybody's chops really.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
No issue, Roy.

I just have this insane urge to laugh and it can't be helped.....who's in the circle next?
Roy is right on the money... I don't really care if its a german beer, mexican beer or american beer. Keep the beer coming as long as it is cold.
Very well said Roy, excellent points to ponder for sure.

Although you stand correct about the other ethnic holidays that we as American's enjoy and celebrate, i don't remember any Swiss, Germans or Irish coming in here and deliberately burning our flag and flying their own like some kind of hostile take over, nor are they costing YOU billions of taxpayer dollars in healthcare.
I also don't remember having to learn the German language so i can simply go through a local Weinersnitzel for a sourkrout dog.

But you are correct that it is not their fault, i'd wanna live here too if i didn't already!!

My point is simply this-
The majority of them are NOT respecting us OR our country, they are bringing Mexico here.
And until they do, i cannot be too thrilled about celebrating THEIR independence day along with them on our turf when they are swarming us like a plague and stealing from us.

I still love ya Roy, free speech in good old America huh?? Lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

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