Chupacabra Spotted


Well since today seems to be a day full of old legends being discovered, i thought it was ironic this one hit the news last night as well as bigfoot being found.

I just posted this on the other thread but don't you think that thing looks like that dog on The Mask when he puts the mask on???
Good call Tony, then we'd have TWO dead legends!! Lol
Now all we need is to find Nessy and the aliens on area 51 and we can all die peacefully!

That beast looks like a cross between a pitbull, a black lab and an ardvark!!

I live about 25 miles from where it was spotted. And living in this area all my life I have seen and killed several. Not chupacabras though but, mangy coyotes. This is the same darn thing these people think is a chupacabra. These crazy poeple are just trying to make something up just to make an extra dollar. And some people are really buying it.

Not that i officially say i beleive in this strange critter, but if you saying that dog in the video clip taken by the officer is a coyote, i wonder what the heck i have been calling 'coyote's" all these years!!

Thanks ezzel, I figure your words true, MORE SO THAN THIS FUNNY STUFF....

Come on Slam , you know they grow some wierd chitt in TX, thats a mangy cross bred sum bich, ugly little critter....
A mangy coyote has no hair if it is a really bad case. Ever see a dog loosing its hair due to mange. Its the same thing but worse. Because the coyote can't be treated. Only with a bullet.
People ar gullible. If you were driving slowly behind an animal of legend that no one had ever captured it would be valuable to say the least. That dog was running straight down the road unlike any wild animal and would have had tread marks on it if the guy really believed it was a chupasucker or whatever.

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