
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-07 AT 10:48AM (MST)[p]Well...we've seen the chupacabra. At least my son has. He was up at 3:30 for something and he looked out the back door and there it was...under the apple tree....eating fallen apples. But it didn't quite look as scary as other chupacabra pictures I've seen. He said it had a big bushy tail, it was small and grey. Kinda looked like this in fact....


LOL I kinda figured it may be a fox. I'd seen some different looking poop out by the chicken coop before the two free range chickens got eaten (that means they escaped the coop lol).

Add another varmit to the list, folks! But, I do think I've found the chicken killer. Just need to find that coon killer now...
glad to here all is well now. i hope my post didnt freak you out about the chupacabra. rick
LOL nochawk!

Oakey- nah...didn't freak me out. I was just joking around. I don't believe in stuff like that until I see it. Poltergeits-not real...never seen anything weird like that. Sasquatch- not real...never seen one. Chupacabra- funny legend.
Kudos to your son for the late night investigative work! You have a classic case of "fox in the hen house" syndrome.

Shore up the chicken coop!

jen you havnt seen bigfoot, i hunt with him every year, he has all this hair on his back, just shot a buck in wyoming....i might post a pic if i can find one ha ha....
You need to get your brother down there to trap that thing! Or do some spotlighting!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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