Chupacabra Infestation

I watched the video about this last night and the picture they showed of the dead alacazabra looked to me like a small dog that may have had all of its hair singed off. I'm not sure if it was the picture quality or what but it looked like a piece of charcoal. Maybe they set this up and shaved/burned the dog prior to the control officer getting out there. They will be running DNA tests and I bet it turns out to be a dog. I smell an animal cruelty case coming.

I can't find the website that I read it from, but it said that the DNA results found that it was some sort of coyote hybrid. ROY said in another post that it is most likely a coyote with red mange. I read up on red mange and if thats what it was, that animal is lucky they shot it and saved it the suffering...
Roy likes Chupacabras because they are one of the few animals that will eat the dreaded and feared tortoise.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-10 AT 12:28PM (MST)[p]Actually no, the Desert Devil Terrapin is the only known predator of the Chupacabra... and Chuck Norris.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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