Chukar anybody???


Long Time Member
Plowed snow all weekend last week and wonder if anyone's been out in this snow.

Old dog seems sick, won't eat and lethargic. Staying home tomorrow too.

9 week old pup is promising though.

Never take a great dog for granted again.
took one day out in the snow tough going and the birds were still super flighty. hopefully can get in a couple hail marys though cause season ends feb 3rd here in NV but i doubt it cause this year it has been to hard to find the birds, won't stop me from trying though :) good luck with the end of the season calif hope your dog gets better
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-08 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]Must have been sick cause she's better. Feared the worse.

You sure Nv season ends Feb 3rd?? Usually ends 1/31 regardless of the day of the week. I don't have regs but could get on their web site.

Looks like I'll be hunting yotes Sat and quail Sun. Upland season closes here this Sun (1/27)

I'll hit Nv the second if you're right.

Good luck Godsten
i am glad she is better hopefully she is up and hunting well now.

just checked the pamphlet @ and it says chukar and quail end the 3rd with rabbit getting done on feb. 28. hopefully it will not snow the rest of teh week as access has been an issue with all the snow and cold temps. thanks i need all the luck i can get (the birds are at the peak of their wariness now, makes em damn near impossible, plus my poor shot doesn't help the situation :) ) good luck to you calif. hope you pounded those yotes
Caught up on the snow Sat and called coyotes Sun. Questioning my ability. Heard 2 packs howling prior to calling @ our first set, nothing.

Worried this snow is gonna severly impact our already depleted bird population. Guess we'll see this spring.
if it only would get warm enough to melt some of the south facing slopes i think the birds will do better then last winter. i am just hoping for rain galore during the spring time so we can get some good hatches.
Only made it out 3 times this year due to the fact of low populations.

Killed 10 birds.

Disappointing year to say the least...

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