Chuck E Cheeses


Long Time Member
The wife and I had to take the kids to a birthday party Saturday at Chuck E Cheese's. That was two of the most miserable hours of my life! I know the kids had fun but that place would make a preacher cuss!

One of the guys I work with reminded me of this song
ahhhh yes the dreaded chucky cheezes. yes my first wife had a daughter and we would go every b-day. i would drop about 4 bills each time. those kids could go through game tokens like i go through .22 long rifle on a whistlepig safari......
Then 2 days later they are sick because of all the nastiness in the play area. I try to distract my kids away from that place.
By far the worst pizza known to man... And I used to think pizza was like a BJ...Even the bad ones are good.... Nope!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I believe any guy that has a thought about getting married and raising a family should go there at least once every 4 months until it no longer phases them at how badly some parents let their children act in public, the they are ready for the responsibility of a wife and family. Some may disagree with me on that principle, just my feelings on the subject matter.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]LOL BUCKSNORT ! yes i think totino's could give them a run for there money

yes wv bow i would agree if you can handle being around that chaos it will definitly give you perspective. my ex- would get so stressed out she would go sit in the car . she did that every year that we were married. she couldn't hang with the whirlwind of kids. and yes that ball playpen is flat azz nasty ! i went in after my step daughter because she wouldn't go eat and stepped on a open diaper that had been there for who knows how long
Never been to a Upchucking Cheese! :)

I do love a good Pizza though i rarely feel like i can afford the extra calories. It's been months and months since my last one.

Good Pizza is kinda like plumbing...there are always several ways to do it right but even more ways to really screw it up. Not everybody with a basin wrench in his pocket is a good plumber and not all pizza joints put out a great pizza! Pizza is also like a woman! I'd rather be without than with one i really don't like!

my $.02

Hey Sage....if ya haven't already, Gumbas in Blairsden makes a pretty darn good pie. Not cheap tho. I just indulged this weekend and it was deeeeeeelicious!!!!!


BigFly said, "if ya haven't already, Gumbas in Blairsden makes a pretty darn good pie."

I very much agree! I spent one season working for plumbing contr. doing some customs along Gold Mtn and a bunch of new 2bdr 3 bath "cottage", type golf course fronts at White Hawk Ranch. To save rent money and get caught back up after being in debt, i camped along the Feather there by Clio or at any of the small lakes in the area after work each day in my Cabover. Gumba's got to be a treat to myself every couple weeks, really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food was wonderful!

"Chuck E Cheese" 2 hours with vice grips clamped tight to your nut sack!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LMAO Feleno... I dont think little Michael went there for the pizza...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

Thanks for reminding me of Chuck E Cheese. One of my granddaughters is having her 3rd birthday party the 27th of this month at Chucky's that I have to go to. Great.
>Thanks for reminding me of Chuck
>E Cheese. One of my
>granddaughters is having her 3rd
>birthday party the 27th of
>this month at Chucky's that
>I have to go to.

No problem overton :) Enjoy yourself, maybe someone will assign you a 4 yr old to chase around the place!
If you go to one here in Cali, you better know how to cuss in Spanish and you might even consider packin' in case the 6 year old has a knife under his beanie!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
There was a similar post a long while back. There were a few replies that had me laughing!

Maybe we need to send the cat there to take care of some mice!
>That place is horrible and just
>when you think things can't
>get worse they bring you
>the pizza.

LMAO.... So true!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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