Chronic Wasting Dease meat question


Very Active Member
I was wondering if some hunters that hunt in States and known areas with "Chronic Wasting Dease" What do you do with the meat of your harvested game? After you harvest the animal, do you process the meat and take a piece somewhere to get the meat tested? If negetive you eat the meat? OR, Just take your chances and eat it? Toss the meat? What is the procedure?

You bring the head in to get tested. Until there is some documented case of it in humans, I won't worry about it.

I have never worried about any of the game I've killed in Wyoming over the last 20 years and CWD has been found in many areas. Consumption of the meat is not a threat to humans, but to be on the safe side I would not eat any from an animal that appears sick or that isn't cooked to a decent temperature.
The prions that cause the disease are found in the brain and spinal column. Avoid cutting into these areas. The meat should be fine. The concern of many is that CWD is very similar to Creutzfeldt Jacobs disease. Similar in cause, symptoms, and outcomes, and found in humans. As stated above, there is no documented case of a person contracting CWD.
Ask Buck Snort about undercooked game meat. He is somewhat of a resident expert we have on the boards here.
"The prions that cause the disease are found in the brain and spinal column."

They are also found in the lymph nodes and it is recommended to remove them and therefore not grind them up in hamburger


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Many Deer have been eaten by Humans that had CWD!

You're not gonna outguess where CWD might be found!

There is a Human Strain of CWD/or similar & I can't remember the name of it,seems like it had the word Jack in it though?

It(CWD!) ain't gonna Hurt you!

It's been found Spiradically throughout Utah!

Not been a TARD die from it yet!:D

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If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
My Bad!

Jacobs,I was thinking Jacks for some reason?

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Thanks for the input and responces guys. I have never hunted in an area with CWD, What you tell me makes sense so I won't discount a hunt to some of these areas any longer.



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