Christmas Wish Please



LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-09 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]I'd like to make a Christmas wish.
I can't really afford a new pickup so I'm asking for a little help from overton or whoever might be able to help out?
I found this one & she ain't bad,oh it's a really nice truck too.
This Ford is big enough I could get a Caterpillar or a Cummins Engine,there's also enough room inside me & my girl friends could have a fun time.
Thanks in advance/thanks for sharing.


Edit:Sorry about the small picture,for more detail click on this link:

I'm a girl looking for another hot girl
My condolences to your girlfriend for the horrible face disfiguration she received in the accident......
Thought it was Keith Richards at first with the Stones tat, but I think he's better looking.
So's I get pulled over the other day and I'll be damned,to my surprise:

Lookin for a sunny Day

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