Christmas Time


Long Time Member
Lifes choices and the way things work out sometimes just don't work out for the best. Don't get me wrong, i live a full life now, living in Gods country among many wonderful people and am blessed to have more than my share of very good Friends.

But Christmas time always brings me back to my childhood when the family would gather at my Parents or one of the many Aunts or Uncles to celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord, Christmas. It didn't matter who's house we all went to, it was never big enough to hold all the people. It didn't matter if it were a branding or a Birthday, when our family got together, seemed there were always lots of non-relatives that were included in the festivities. Though they were not blood, they were "family", many having no major surviving relatives of their own so they adopted ours.

What a Merry time this was. There were drinks for the adults and i always wondered and watched my Mom and Dad curiously greet with so many hugs and kisses, those that they might hadn't seen for only days, certainly within weeks. And my Grandparents, the King and Queen with their delegation at hand, extremely happy with all the good tidings and feeling so content and blessed even though life on the farm/ranch might have gone a bit better for one reason or another during that particular year. Us Grand kids had lots to catch up on, lots of snacks, and lots of pent up energy. We didn't go for all that kissing stuff... especially my Grandmother's sisters as i always thought they smelled kinda funny.

Between trips to the chip and dip bowls, we'd talk of Santa. I remember the days when much importance was placed on just when he might find time to find and deliver to our location. My Auntie Carol always seemed to be on top of things in this department and us kids would patiently wait for his arrival. Without fail Santa would show with howls from the adults and screams of delight from us kids. As each year went by, the game was to try and figure just who was behind that big white fake beard? Was it neighbor Richard? Could it be My uncles friend Tom?

No matter really, but everyone took their turn on Santa's lap, and this too caught my attention as some of my Aunts again reveled in the duty and seemed to overly enjoy themselves. I was the oldest Grandson and there were like 30 grand kids so as i caught on, there was a responsibility for me to police, let the other younger grand-kids catch on, on their own in their own due time. I generally felt sorry for the youngest of us. There was always a few who could not visit and sit with Santa without crying.

In the later years as a young adult, i played Santa several years in a row myself and it was a pleasure i still enjoy occasionally to this day though those Family parties have long since gone down the road. The Grandparents, i have since found out, were the glue that held the family together. When they passed and left this earth to live with Jesus, the family kinda fell to pieces, never to be the same or to gather with such family passion. One thing was always the same, each and every year, no matter who hosted the Christmas party, we'd all leave early enough to make the drive in to St. Micheal's Church in town for Mid-nite Mass. We went to church a lot in those days long ago but not as often as we were supposed to. The older i got, the more demands on my time kept me away from the Church but i had no fear as i always knew that i'd made my peace, done my bit, i'd return soon enough. Christmas Eve though was different. Like moths to a strong light, we'd all devoutly flock to midnight mass, say our prayers, bless the Lord, and give our thanks.

Just some thoughts from an old fool, Bless You Jesus! Merry Christmas Everybody!!

I feel the same about Christmas and the importance of it espcecially with grandparents. My grandma on my dads side passed away while I was in boot camp in 2001 and holidays have never been the same since. She was the most vital piece in keeping our extended family close and we miss her greatly.

Funny how you mention even though some may not be blood they are family especially this time of on MM we spend quite a bit of time talking with one another (some call it agruing lol) thruout the year. Hell I have people I consider "good" friends that I speak with less than some of you guys lol. I've met some truely awesome people on here though and just wanted to take a minute to wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas too!!

Good post Joey!!

Thanks Guys! I really don't know why i put stuff to paper like i do at times. Thinking of those old days both is a joy and a hurt to my heart.

I agree with you Z, i've met some wonderful people on this site, you among them,.. and Manny for example. What a super hearted guy who once went well over and above out of his way to actually help put me on a nice buck though i'd never even met him before.

Anyway, let's us try to be a little easier on each other. I'll try and take my own advice! After all, we're all parts of the Monster Muley Family! :)

Nice post sage,
If you lived closer you could gather with us today, you'd be welcome! We're headed to my Mamaw and Papaw's today and when the whole family arrives it will be quite a crowd.
Merry Christmas everybody!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Great Post Sage!!! Your story brings back fond memories. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for the look back at times that were alot simpler.
'twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stiring, except Eel checking in with his friends on MM.....

Nice post Joey. Happy birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas all! I have grand kids "camped" all over my house. No room to even walk. lol


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Nice read Sage..I feel alot the same way..we can't go back..
Eel it's the sameway around here the only place I can find to sit is at this computer...that will change here shorly the grandkids are eyeing it up,they got new cumputer games for Christmas.....RIMROCK
Thank you Joey that also brings back alot of memories for me. We had the same gatherings at "Pop" and "Other Mama's" (grandparents) for years and years...wonderful times!

Just finished watching my daughters open gifts-THEIR grandparents have been with us at Christmas since they were born and are here today also-I hope my daughters' memories of these times are as treasured as ours.

They also both took the time for prayers and know His gift to us is why we give gifts to one another.That is how it should be.

Merry Christmas to all the MM'ers!!!!!

Great post Joey. That really took me back to our family Christmas gathering at my grandparents home when I was young. There were 22 grandchildren and more adults both family and close friends than I could count. I can remember I couldn't hardly wait to get to the grandparents house for all of the fun to start. It was a special time in my life that I will always remember but sadly as you mentioned in your post it was the grandparents that were the glue that kept the family together. When they past away the family scattered and began their own traditions as did my parents but Christmas was never quite the same. I know Christmas is just as special to my grandkids as it was to me when I was their age but things were different in the '50s than they are today but Christmas is still a special time of year to share with family and friends.

Merry Christmas everyone and thanks again Joey for a good read.

Merry Christmas my friends!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Nice tribute Joey and brings back a lot of memories for me too. Miss my folks and my Grandmother, they were always into the Christmas spirit. We would almost always travel to my grandparents ranch in Grass Valley and as we drove up the long driveway to the house, the closer we got the more we could smell her home cooking and many fond memories of the old days.

Merry Christmas to all the MonsterMuley Family

Merry Christmas and thanks for your story Joey. We all have alot of memories from past Christmases. It was 36 years ago on Christmas eve that dressed as Santa I gave my wife her engagement ring. This was in front of her whole family of about 30 people....she is the best present I ever got. I love this time of year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus.
That was well written and I agree there is something about being around extended family during the holidays that makes it more special.
i spent 3 days with friends and family,i wouldn't want it any other way! and as much as we might dissagree on some things, i hope you had a good christmas this year.

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