Christmas present for TripleK


Long Time Member
It's not to early to be thinking of a gift for TTK, to go with her Martha Stewart cutting board. Maybe a "computer"?

Here Eel, allow me to help fan the flames by providing a complimentary copy of the 'good wife guide.' :) The devil made me do it.


RE: Women, know your limits!

Damn you Eel. I swear this is the truth. My wife is just outside the computer office using her ironing board. A darn rare sight indeed. She heard me laught at your post to T-K and asked me what I was laughing about.

My reply to her was "nothing hon", because I do not like a hot iron hitting the back of my head.

Boy you can stir up a hornet's nest at times, I am waiting for T-K to tell you where you can stick that computer-ironing board. You better avoid her for awhile until she gets her sense of humor back about male chauvinists.

I kinda lost my head there for a minute. I would rather face the kerosene from RELH and his cousins than what's comming.....:(

1911 is worse than me!

>I kinda lost my head there
>for a minute. I would
>rather face the kerosene from
>RELH and his cousins than
>what's comming.....:(
>1911 is worse than me!

Don't pass the buck eel, you started this fire!!!
Eel, Cuz and I only can use the kerosene to burn your house down, T-K is downright going to burn that portion of your body that bumps out on your backside.

Hurry and call Roy real fast, he might be persuaded to save you from that fiery brimstone that he calls Sis.

I was born 100 years to late.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Hey- if the delivery guy is hot I'm in! And...maybe I'll get lucky and the geek who comes to fix it for me to find out why I can't connect to the internet will be cute and I'll let him go ahead and double click my mouse. Yay! Good day for me! It might turn out to be an OK present.




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