Christmas is almost here



What is the nicest thing that you did for someone else while hunting this year or past years?
This year our hunting group invited an older guy (mid 50's), that was hunting and camping by himself about 200 yards from our campsite for breakfast and supper, and good entertainment every day/night during 3rd season deer in colorado.
We also packed a bull elk out of a canyon for a guy we recently met. He was very greatful!!!!
This year I filmed my dad's entire Book Cliffs Deer Hunt... It might not seem like it was too hard, but being able to go back and watch everything is almost better than the trophy buck he shot...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-11 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]I'd prefer to go the other way and share the nicest thing another hunter did for me this year, if that's okay.

A couple of sportsmen from Beaver were unable to go to Colorado on their traditional "landower tag" hunt. They offer their tags to a friend who called me and arranged to sell them to me for $150.00 each. The same tags were getting over a $1000 each from tag brokers.

We went over and had a great hunt. One of the most enjoyable we've had for many many years.

The price was right, the deer were plentiful, the Colorado folks treated us like old friends and the experience was a positive life long memory. Thanks to three sportsmen from Beaver, Utah. Maybe I can help someone else like they helped me someday.

Second, my son spent 6 weeks scouting moose for me this summer and another son helped take all the work out of the the hunt. Not to mention two grandsons who right there at the shooting to make it extra special for me. Then there were two neighbor buddies that hauled five horse through hell and back on some of the meanest muddy roads so I didn't need to break a sweat coming or going. Two tires and a busted transfer case was the price paid.

Merry Christmas to each of you that helped someone else.

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