China Made Browning Safes

  • Thread starter Slacker (Guest)
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Slacker (Guest)

I find it totally sickning that Browning would stoop so low as to have there safes made in China... I would never buy one and hope no one else would either.
Are you sure you know what your talking about??? I haven't heard anything like that.
who gives a ##### where anything is made anymore. As long as it is a good product I am happy
Thats the problem they are junk, look like crap and I are always needing re-working by great americans.
I actually married a nice gal from china and I'm pretty proud that we can utilize other countries for their resources. Things go both ways, this is what balances out our economy, and helps us do things that we are uncabable of doing for a lower price. The other countries basically show us how bad we are really ripping ourselves off, especially when there's much less distance to ship items. As an American I know what you are saying and hope we all can learn to love one another.

James Collins
we complain when other countries take American jobs by working for less but sometimes 2.50 an hour there is 10 an hour here.
maybe the real problem is quality or at least quality work
Yeah, but we still buy it don't we? We are just plain spoiled. I'm sure you all can agree.

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