Child abuse is a real B eye t see h


Long Time Member
If you are so inclined, a few prayers, or kind thoughts for my boy.

Austin is seven; been in 12 or 13 foster homes before we got him in 2004...we knew we would face some difficulties when we said yes to the state adoptions lady.

His birth mom (and birth dad) did drugs before during and after the birth. He was given Narcan at 2 days old to reverse the effects of the opiates she took. He was shuffled around like a chunk of bad luggage while working his way through the foster care system in CA.

During therapy it was brought out that he was abused, sexually as well as physically and at that point he shut down. He has been in the hospital in Reno since 27 August (not including a month stay in June) and is now beginning to show significant progress. The Psychiatrist said his experience is a lot like physically walking into a hurricane. Austin has passed through the eye of the storm and is now just beginning to walk out the other side.

Doc says he will never be 'cured', but has a very very good chance at a successful life.

If you are so inclined, please offer up some prayers or kind words on his behalf.


You got em' Feddoc. What a beautiful child. What a sweet, innocent lil' face. How anyone can ever harm or defile a child in such a way is just beyond me. Poor Austin. I hope life treats him well and is not too difficult. Good luck.

I know where you are coming from concerning child foster care programs in CA. My wife & I have been there & done that and hated the way the system seems to put the kids on a back burner over other items.
You have now the chance to reverse the wrongs in that child's life and I wish you the best of luck. Make sure every night when you put him in bed that you let him know how much you and the wife loves him and will be there for him when he wakes up. He will feed on your support and love and will have a very good chance of a good life ahead of him.

What a beautiful boy. He is lucky to be in good hands. God bless you all. Ditto RELH.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
God bless you for caring enough to do something about it. My prayers are with your wife and you and especially Austin.
I am always at a loss for why anyone would hurt one of God's children. I am also always amazed at he amount of compassion people like you have to help a child have a 'normal' life. God bless you and God bless this beautiful boy! Thanks for being a role model for the rest of us!

That's how you save the world feddoc - one beautiful innocent kid at a time. Take your time with him and love him. Raise him right. God bless your efforts.

If anybody ever hurts my kids they better pray that the law gets to them before I do.

I guess I can't be a vigilante either, but it would take every ounce of strength I have to hold back.

Bottom line - DON'T MESS WITH KIDS!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It takes a special person to do what you are doing. You have all the prayers and wishes I can muster.

Good luck & God bless you all.

+1 to everything written above. I applaud you for making a difference in his life and hope that he succeeds with the opportunities you will provide for him. Thoughts and prayers are with him, and you.


Later, Brandon
Your words, and that picture left me with a lump in my throat and a little misty eyed. How lucky is that kid. He's truly blessed, and you will be too!
That just breaks my heart. Words cannot express how greatful I am that you and your wife have made the decision to rescue this little child! You will be in my prayers for a long time!

As somewhat of a postscript.....
He is home now and doing much much better. The principal called us twice to let us know how well he had adjusted. Thank you all for your concern and prayers.

Not long after my original post, we began noticing some changes, and not good ones. While at the hospital (during his 7 week stay) he learned foul language, how to dry hump things, and he was becoming institutionalized and distant.

My wife and I arranged a new psyciatrist, counselor...and we spoke with the principal at his school to begin the process of placing him back into school. I also spoke with a lawyer.

We took him out of the hospital (unannounced) for a number of reasons...... Lack of response by medical staff: I phoned twice a week for the 7 weeks he was there trying to get a medical update on his medications, prognosis, etc. We got two phone calls. We asked to see his medical record. Never got to see it. Additionally, I questioned the need to have a 7 year old on such a high level of lithium....not to mention the 6 other meds.

Upon his next psychiatric appointment, the doc (who had seen him in person for a total of 30 minutes the previous 11 months (but via teleconference 6 times) told us that she wanted him put back into the hospital because that was in his best interests. I told her that we wanted a second and possibly a third opinion and that I was convinced THAT was in his best interests. She said that she was going to call CPS on us if we did not do as she said. I told her that it was against Nevada law to involuntarily committ anyone. (it was kinda funny to watch her lip curl up). She then said that she would call CPS because we did not have enough meds to last until his next appointment. I told her that she was certainly free to do so, but, the releasing doc had given us enough for 10 days and that his next psyciatric appointment was for the following Friday (I also had one for three days sooner)and that his next counselling session was in 4 days. She asked for the names of the counselor and MD. I declined. As I got up to leave, my last words to her were "you are fired".

She did call CPS, however, they were very professional and courteous and declined to pursue the matter.

This post has my wife in tears. Great that he's doing better and you are a hero in my book. Thank you.

I don't quite know what too say feddoc, but you and your family are truly angels to this young man.

Judging by the picture you posted, it looks like he is well on his way to a good life and full of family love.

I'll really bet that boy hasn't smiled like that very many times in his life, but being in the situation he is in right now, i'm sure you'll see many many more smiles just like the one in the picture.

God bless you all, you truly are an angel. :)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
feddoc ... I'll offer a prayer for this boy .. 'Thank you father for feddoc and his wife for taking the time to save one precious soul? May you bless them all.


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