Cheney on Iraq, HE GETS IT, in 94!



LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-07 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]Have you been wondering?


Cheney provides accurate answers to these and other questions vital to our national interests in this 1994 interview.

Just click here to check it out:

It will be a cold day in Baghdad before this makes the corporate press. expect us to take you serious now. You actually get your news from this far left George Sorros funded hate sight?

On to the discussion. This is old news my friend. It has been hashed out at least a dozen times here already. That has absolutly no relevance now. Different time, different circumstances. The twin towers were still standidng, $3,500.00 innocent civilans still alive.

If you are simply attempting to stir the pot. Nice try, find something head hurts.
wow, I think cheney was right and still I get bashed by a hater.

O well, I only posted the link because I never have seen that before and never knew cheney said those things. As for, sure they may be left, but does the video speak for itself or are you saying moveon somehow made it all up in some kind of conspiracy?

It is what it is 02, dont make more out of it than that. . . Cheney, in the video in 1994 speaks for himself, why is it hard for you to grasp that? Who cares who carries the video, is he right, or is her wrong?
If you notice T I seperated the two issues. I did not mix them into one web of lies posted by

No I do not think made the stuff up nor do I think it is a conspiracy.

Again I had three distinct replies to your post.

1. I was flabergahsted that you would visit that hate sight and then use their info. Even if the info is true I could not believe you would align your self with them.

2. I responded to the video

3. I threw in some sarcasm just to make it fun.
I was not bashing you bro. Get a grip.

I think at the time this was taken Cheny was right, just as you do.

It simply pointed out the irelevence.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-07 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]

someone just sent me the link, i clicked on it, and did not even know where I took me. I've never been on the moveon site until that link took me there and when I was there, I still did not know it. .

in any event, it's a true clip, it's part of the docket, and it's important to know that at one time cheney thought differently about attacking Iraq, and the important part of all of it is that something changed his mind and brought him to believe that it was now worth losing 1,000's of american lives over Iraq.

02, make up your freeking mind, we did or did not go into Iraq to get OBL? Come on, dont flip flop on this one, we went to Iraq to root out evil and bring democracy to a land that needed it, oh, and to get the WMD before they were launched into another sand pile. . .

BTW, who made you the relevant police or chief editor of information - sounds to me like youre for censorship and dont want people to know the truth. I love it when a guys says he support freedom then want to imply that history, even a true to life video is not relevant. . . telling 02, very telling. . .
No flip flop on my part T. Not one bit.

Syeady eddy thats me every time.

I believe the clip to be true. Never said any different.

again for the third time now, what he said then was relevent but in 2007 it is not. Get it! Different time, different circumstances.

Well then if you think it is relevent then please persuade me.

"someone just sent me the link, i clicked on it, and did not even know where I took me. I've never been on the moveon site until that link took me there and when I was there, I still did not know it. ."
Thank God T, I was beginning to worry.

"important part of all of it is that something changed his mind and brought him to believe that it was now worth losing 1,000's of american lives over Iraq."
Yea it was called 911, it was called every intel service on planet earth said Sadam had WMD's, hell his own men thought he had them, it was called alQuida in Iraq.
Yes now and yes then Iraq is and was a nobel cause. 99.99999% of the fighting men would agree.
Tf, are you saying when things happen like 9-11, the stance someone has can't change? Please clarify and say it ain't so.

Hey bud!

How ya doing? I'm glad to see that fire didn't get the best of you. I remembered when Cheney made those statements back in 94, back when I thought he was a cool guy.

What changed? 5 years at the helm of Halliburton and hunting some of the finest bird ranches in the country with top energy executives, that's what changed. That along with the fact that Saddam decided to base his ppb of crude to the Euro.

That is why Iraq was on table from the very first day lil George took office. That is why Cheney pushed every intelligence agency to draw a tie to Iraq for 9/11.

As for, I don't agree with 100% of what they put out there. Anyone that thinks Soros and is evil, and Murdoch, Ailes, and Fox is credible, well I let you figure that one out.

All one needs to do is follow the money. We invade Iraq and the very first thing Bremmer does is to revert the ppb back to the dollar. By invading Iraq the world market has secured 70% of the in-the-ground oil and Halliburton gets the piping and refinery contracts.

As well, by disrupting the region we raise the price of ppb of crude bringing record profits to the large oil companies and oil producing nations. The public may not like Cheney, but oil rich countries, energy companies, and their stock holders absolutely adore him.

It's the same old story, just follow the money. If there was a single Iraqi on the planes that struck the towers, I might think differently. The proof in the pudding that Iraq is the largest windfall of oil in history, is the fact that Halliburton has taken up shop in Dubai.

The only thing 9/11 did was to open the door to a plan that had been in the works for years. Part of that plan includes Iran, which is why the rhetoric keep escalating.

Check the historical timelines, check Bush's 2000 campaign talking points. If Iraq was such a terrible threat why was there never a mention of it or Saddam's evil leadership prior to 9/11?

Lil George actually made it a point that his administration would not be in the business of nation building.

Take it easy TF!
Another conspiracy theorist lose on MM.......Oh the horror

Thanks for another good laugh Forwall...........I am begging to like you LMAO

So did little George plan the take down of the twin towers Rossie?

"Tf, are you saying when things happen like 9-11, the stance someone has can't change? Please clarify and say it ain't so.


Dude, just read the posts, dont get in my head dont make stuff up, just read the posts, thats it, nothing more. In all due respect to Gods creatures, the woman, PRO and 02 are like every woman i've ever been with, they love to get in side my head and when they do, most of the time they think I'm thinking something I'm not. I like real men, they listen to what a guy has to say and dont try, like a woman, to figure out what a guy really meant, they just listen and say their piece without going "hum, I think what he's really trying to say is . . . . "

Like I said, I love woman, a lot, and I have all the respect in the world for them, but they do love, like 02 and PRO, too get inside a mans head. . .

Boys, just read the post, not my mind, youre men, we dont have the "read the mans mind" gene unless your Rudy G, I think he goes both ways so he might be able to get inside a mans head. . .
Well if nothing else Tf, you and FTW are good for a laugh with your nonsense(anyone who tries to equate with Fox News has little credibility). I notice how you ducked the question I asked. I should expect no less I suppose. The reason I ask what you are thinking is because it gives me the ability to figure out what the point of such a post is. You obviously had a reason in posting it, yet you try and hide how you feel on the subject, so is it because you just 'feel' on issues, or do you have any logic to support how you 'feel'? The women I have 'known' are driven by emotion more than logic, must by why more women lean left, because there is less thought required to be a lib. I sure don't want to "get in your head", that would scare the hell out of me.

PRO, as usual you forgot to read my posts. the point was that i found it interesting what cheney said in 94 and I have never heard that before. . . You can do with it what you want, it is what it is. . .
I think Cheney changed his views on Iraq after Saddam attacked us on 9/11. com'on you have to understand Iraq had to be taken down, you can't do that to us and not expect a butt kicking . all the good reasons for not attacking Iraq before are meaningless post 9/11, none of the stuff he said in '94 turned out to be true anyway did it?

More kool-aid, me need more kool-aid, me good Bushie.

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