Cheney And Obama Are Cousins



Today Cheney's wife said she discovered Cheney and Obama are distant cousins.

That's one family reunion I'd like to see.
OH God, here we go.............

Aim Center Mass
With tongue in cheek, I have to ask this question. You have stated that you do not care that much for Hillery as president, now with that in mind. Since this new information has come out about Cheney and Obama being related, does this mean you will not vote for him also?
If that happens, after Hillery & Obama is out, who do you have left to consider voting for.

I wasn't really planning on voting for them anyway, Obama being related to Cheney is funny but not the end of the world. we all have relatives we wouldn't hunt quail with.

who will I vote for? at this point I don't know, the choices are as bad as any election in history. Frankenberry has flopped already, Giliani doesn't do much for me and Romney is a clown. for the dems I do like Richardson but he'll never get nominated, Edwards isn't a bad guy but not my first choice. some say Gore may run, I don't know if I'm big on that idea but he would probably win.

I'm thinking I'll write in Teddy Roosevelt.
You can do what I have done in the past. I write in "Elmer Fudd" if he is a GOP politician, and "Daffy Duck" if Dem. Come to think of it, Cheney does remind you of a "Elmer Fudd" when you throw in his hunting mis-adventure.


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