CheeseBurger in a Can!!

I have a feeling the finished product does not look as tasty and the picture.

I see they have powdered red wine ? they need to make powdered beer. Now that would be cool.
I prefer this. But put the two together and you got yourself a bacon cheeseburger. Just stir and eat.

Oh boy - that is effing disgusting. The bacon - not the beer.

I seriously would like to try that beer out. That could come in real handy.

I like the guys comment - 'if I use my own urine instead of water will it taste like coors light?' Real comedian...
I wanna see a pic of the cheese burger in a can. I'll bet it looks like Alpo.

I tried doing a search for 'powdered whisker biscuits'... no luck yet.
Don't know what they're saying but I've seen worse including most dehydrated food.

Translated review "tasteds like lasagna that is five days old".

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