Checkin on Preddy?



Just checking on ya Preddy.
Hope you're recovering quick?
Any permits?
Hope you're doing well!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-10 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]Boy, not as quick as I would like, but things are coming along. I tried a wee hike today, but anything other than slight incline is a wee bit painful. Doc says things are on track, and my August goal for 100% is not unreasonable

Looks like Okur is going to join the ranks of pain, too!

And yeah, I have two bull tags of my own, helping out as I can on three others.

I heard a rumor ghat you might have a Nomad tag finally?

Thanks for checking on me!

Hang in there Preddy,
Don't over do it just yet,that kind of stuff can wait till September when you're dragging your Muzz Buck out!}>}>}>
What can I say? I am a walking disaster area.

Ruptured Achilles. Today I M a little frustrated. It swelled up like a balloon ater one hour of mowing. Yesterday I walked and swam 35 mins each, and it felt fine!

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