Check This Shotgun Out

I'm pretty sure everyone else was using these last time I was duck hunting. :) least it sure seemed that way with all the sky busting going on.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
yes, I believe it should be available to every US citizen that is law abiding with no restrictions........

The swat teams don't need them. I would rather see a truck load of them, with ammo, left in downtown LA. The gang types could cut down on the elimination time of rival gangs a whole lot faster with these bad boys.
Sign me up!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
reality TV show here

take two rival gangs out of the prison system equip each gang with these shotguns place them on a island say Alcatraz, get em set up with plenty ammo,
"mark get set go" !!!
in the end those who survive are sent free.

Kind of like the American gladiator series, cept for real & at a huge cost to tax payers.

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