Check this out! Nikon Warranty/Policy


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The twist out eye cups on my Nikon Monarchs broke. It was actually the main body housing that holds the bearings that guide and lock positions of the eye cups. In simpler words, pretty major repair.

I followed the instructions from Nikons website, logged the repair, included copies of my receipts and warranty, and sent ?em off to California. With in three days, I received an email of receipt. Within 5 days I receive service notification. And amazingly in less than two weeks had them back in perfect working order. The even came back completely cleaned and serviced.

Total out of pocket expense for me was $4.65, the shipping expense to get them to Nikon. From there on out, full 100% no-fault policy coverage or $0.00!!! I couldn't be happier. Nikon takes care of their customers.

I've also had great success with their warranty department. great service. It tempts me to try the new EDG binos.
I had a pair of Nikon Action (Egret) 8x40 that were messed up. I have owned them for 10-12 years but haven't used much for the last 5-6 when I purchased nicer binos. Went to loan them to a friend and found them not able to focus. The "do hickey" that slides the ocular in and out would not do both barrels at the same rate and would bind up. Anyway, I sent them in.

They did the same thing only it took a little longer to get back due to the age of the binos. They had to track down the part to fix it.

I was very pleased with their service.

Nice to have them stand behind their product.
Well--- Perhaps they have seen the light and turned their service department around. I've owned Nikon cameras, lens, bino's, scope and a range finder in the past. I sent them my range finder for check out and or repair after it just up'ed and quit during use. Their cost to repair was for more money than the unit cost to replace a new range finder. I didn't like their attitude and sent a letter of complaint and mentioned sites like this damaging their reputation and Leupold's great repution etc. I received nary a comment from Nikon and it's left a sour taste in my mouth. Sourkraut
My experience with Nikon involving a faulty rangefinder was bad. I wouldn't own another Nikon product if it was given to me. Leupold for me. mtmuley
i have great luck leupold aswell. The first time I took my new vx ii to the range I left the caps there. I wrote them explaining what happened and they sent me new caps free!!! That's service.

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