Cheating payback



The getting even thread almost made me laugh, to bad it was about practical jokes.

Last week I found out a guy my wife works with has been emailing her pictures of him rubbing out his junk......

I know how I am going to handle it (cant post on here since it could be used against me), but was wondering how you would handle it?

While the wife is not completely innocent, after recovering texts and emails, the most she is guily of is being flattered. He on the other hand crossed a line you can't cross.

Let's hear it
and to clarify, he is also a friend of the family (was). He was very forward about what he wanted, she was very clear it would not happen.

Can you also say, it must have been cold.
Nothin fancy required, plain ole fashioned BEAT DOWN is all thats needed. Then if you can....smash his computer and cell phone. You'll feel better....promise.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Oh man, that kind of crap just doesn't fly! Time to put on the azz kickin boots, and go to work!
The beat down is coming, but was thinking about at his job when everyone is leaving. Maybe throw down a few copies of the pictures 1st. Might disuade folks from getting involved. The humiliation would be pretty good as well.
Put the boot to both.....! He did croos the line and she could have put a halt to it at the start. Text messaging and emailing back and fourth who knows where it would have ended. Kick them both to the curb!
The pic thing is a great idea. I'd put one on every car in the parking lot though. You know, with the guys name ect.
post his "junk" pics on a gay porn site with his contact information. No... i don't know any but thats what Google is for.

Also have a serious talk with your wife. as mentioned above if she is allowing this stuff to happen she is partially to blame. i'd be a little more than suspicious
After getting a SIM card reader and spyware, I know she did not provoke it, and actually did try to shut him down. I have already let her know that trust is earned not given. But with that said, married 12 years with 2 kids. Her biggest problem in this was not telling me about it. Based on the text trail and email trails she tried handling it herself and just failed to get the point accross in a way that was effective.

Luckily I did my research so that I was not left with that lingering wonder in the back of my mind.

The question now is where are the creative responses. I like the gay porn idea. But there are some real nut jobs like me on here who have to have some creative ideas.
Feleno +1

Yeah, i'd be hesitant to be too hard on the wife. She may have just thought it funny or harmless, no expert here on what women think, not a threat to your marriage/relationship. If she's a good women, maybe some understanding here from your part might go a long ways to friendship as well as happiness in the family. My 2 cents.

Quote:Last week I found out a guy my wife works with has been emailing her pictures of him rubbing out his junk......

Was he at work on a company owned computer when he sent the pics to your wife. If so he probably could be fired for it sexual harassment.

And after he got the boot I would rub his face into the pavement.

Colorado, U.S.A
In the world we live in now......I would take the stuff to the boss or department head.

They will be so afraid of a lawsuit that he will get some serious heat.

That crap don't fish!

Now, THAT is the normal way to handle it.

In MY world, the pictures go to EVERY porn and gay site I can find on the web!
I'd put in his work and home phone numbers.
I would subscribe him to every gay magazine available and send copies to his mother!

By the time I was thru, his unborn grandchildren would be ashamed of him.
Ok go for his pocket book that would hurt the most! Good old blackmail I sence a african safari in your near future....With all the info and digging you done on the wife you might as well hang on to her! Plus just think of all the nasty things you can make her do now! Nothing better then guilt sex}>
Well... first off, don't be too hard on the wife.

I'm not saying... I'm just saying... other than the pics of him rubbing his junk... obviously the inappropriate pics were over the line... anybody's line. But... just something to think about... Maybe, just maybe, right up until those pictures, he was just paying attention to her and treating her in a way she wasn't getting elsewhere. There is an old saying in business "If you don't take care of the customer, someone else will". OK, I am prepared to take my whipping. I'd really rather you didn't beat up on me, but just think about it.

Now for the creative part... I have heard that is an excellent place to post the type of pictures you are talking about. Include his phone number and put it in the "men seeking men" department. In fact, I could swear that JB may have posted those pictures elsewhere just the other night. :)
My first reaction would be the same as mant posts here, in this sue happy world, that would not be a good idea. Just a thought to run by you: set up an e-mail account (google, msn etc) in his name and resend the pictures to every e-mail address you can get access to. Don't forget to delete the forward from trail. All his friends, family, work, church and so on. After you set it up, send it from the library computer and then delete the account. Unless you want see the replies from the people you sent them to. After that go to the post office and get a change of address form and change his mailing address're choice?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
I would watch out on the mail forwarding ploy, I know someone who did that as a prank and got into trouble, it is a federal offense.
If I ever need to "get even" I know where to go for advice LOL!


That is a tough situation. I would probably loose my mind. Without knowing all of the facts, as mentioned above I would first hit him in the wallet. I would let the company know and show them the pics,, Get his ass fired. To me the most important thing would be to remove the temptation.

It is easy to play Monday morning quarterback and throw out suggestions. I would def make sure that all contact between the two is stopped. Talk with your wife and see what it is that maybe she is trying to get. A little attention is flattering no matter who you are, I think in this case it just went a little to far and he did cross the line, probably crossed it before that i would guess. What kind of conversations led up to that???

Next, maybe it is time to re-kindle the fire between the two of you. Just my thoughts. Jason
I alwalys felt that revenge, if served, was a dish best served cold.

My in...went to a well known tire store, applied for credit in my name, and got herself and her, uh, other boyfriend some pretty cool stuff. Then I got suspicious about her always locked briefcase ... thumbed through the possible combos and opened it up to find a video marked 'private video' and her address book. That night I went to a small store and bought all the VCR tapes they had and also made a copy of her address book. Spent the better part of that night and into the next morning making copies. Put them in my gun safe.

I let it simmer for a few months after she left then went to work...called the cops and got the credit card thing taken care of.

I took frequent cross country trips aboard Navy planes. Even took a few out of the country. I used every address in that book. Even gave some away. Her son and I kept in contact..she had no idea who had those tapes...she blamed her, I got a two for one deal.

Did some other stuff too....forgot to forward her subject to arrest for unpaid traffic tickest warrant, habanero juice on her vibrator, and a few other odds and ends.

I think sending his picture to the craigslist men seeking men thing is a wonderful idea. Might have more of an impact if you do it from a different city and maybe do it a few months down the road.
I just talked to the wife about this. She is of the impression that your wife may have known you would blow up and she didn't want you to risk your job or jail time. Women are always sensible. She should have confronted you about it, but...
The gay porn, pics, boss, etc are good ideas, but I am from the school of BEAT HIS A$$!
"Women are always sensible. " what are you trying to do? Kill me? I had a mouthful of beer when I read that. Damn near puked I laughed so hard.
If you really want to ruin him just get his boss and or the police involved. Nothing will ruin a guy faster than being on the news...
I want to beat him down and humiliate him. I don't want to cost him his job because that punishes not only him, but it would also punish his daughter who is absolutely innocent.

I like the gay porn idea. I ordered him a subscription this morning to his work address. Even had a bill me later option as luck would have it.

Keep em coming, getting some great ideas.

Thanks fellow mmr's.
archer....that is way good! Even should he know it was you, there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. Who would he tell?
Best getting even or practical jokes stories?" Go on Rack thread, right now you have 20 options. LOL good luck and stay out of jail.
If you do the beatdown thing you don't want to do it at he work UNLESS you can get him to swing on you first, or you just going to have alot of witnesses for the cops to listen too.
You will be better off finding at a bar and kicking his *ss each week for a couple of months.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I am absolutely prepared to go to jail when I beat him down. It's a short stay, and I can afford the bail. No way will he press charges, he knows what he stands to lose if the truth comes out.

DA can review but again he has to be willing to cooperate. Even if he did, simple assault = fine, 6 months probation, and anger management. I can deal with that. And then I promise he would be FFL..... all this thread I thought you were a smart guy! "I am prepared to go to jail"....I doubt it.

You could lose your right to own/use/buy any firearm whatsoever.

Not to mention that a fistfight almost always results in some damage to both parties. Fistfights are for people too stupid to resolve their problems with their brain.

Too bad, I WAS thinking you were going to come out on top here.....must be from Utah.
Well jsut make sure you have your ducks in a row A charge of great bodily injury with malice could be a FELONY sometime those Mis don't come out that way so ask before you lose your hunting and gun rights.
By all means have fun with the guy I know I would.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Nickmans right use your brain not your fist, knew a guy a few years back that was having problems with this other guy, they met up one night at the local hangout and went outside too work things out, they got into it and the guy I no was beating the crap out of him, he popped him a good one, fell back and hit his head on the concrete step. that was it, killed him.The guy was in court for how long I dont no, and he got sent to prison..
Here's how to humiliate him so pay attention. Go get a subscription to some gay magazines and maybe a few straight ones as well. Go buy some at a news stand and take the flyer in the middle out that lets you send in money to buy a yearly subscription. Buy 6 separate subscriptions and have his name on it. Then have the subscriptions mailed to each of his neighbors houses, and any friends if you can find them. Next go online and find some sort of book that explains how to be a pedifile or something and have those mailed to a few of the neighbors a little more distant, say 5 or 6 houses down. Go online and buy some gay vids and have these mailed to the same neighbors you sent the dirty material to first. If he's married you might want to include some kinky straight stuff also in an attempt to take finger pointing off his wife if he has one. Send guy toys to help with wife finger pointing also. Finally, go buy some "how to" assination manuals and have them mailed to a few more separate neighbors. Oh, rape material would be a huge plus to send to his neighbors houses with his name on as well. By the end of the year he will have such a bad rap with the neighbors that he will pray to god he never jacked with you. Trust me, neighbors talk and they will all know. The gossip pool will most likely get the police involved as well, and all you were out was a couple hundred dollars. Just make sure you leave no payment trail. Finally, go get a spy software and install it on u and ur wife's phone. Everytime she texts, calls, or sends/receives texts/calls, you get to hear/read everything. And no, you don't have to be and electrical engineer/computer programmer to do that stuff.

One punch fight... head hit bumper of truck. A simple fight turned into a felony. Remember with a felony the victim doesn't have to press charges. Homeowners liability insurance was hit for medical damages. Lost his wife. Lost his kids. Lost his job. Lost his home. Lost his guns. Now marks felony confiction on every job application. Other guy laughed all the way to the bank. He could afford bail also !!!!!

Focus on your wife and married... Not the idiot.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-09 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]Who cares about his family and daughter!!! He should have thought about them before he took pics of his D**K! Turn it to the authorities and his boss. F the guy. Sounds like a scumbag. Everyone is resposible for their own actions. Make him own up to it. Sliding around the fact and not adressing the situation is what is wrong with America. Make him take it like a Man!! Oh yeah dont hit him! You may lose your weapons rights. Then you will have to just look at everyones deer instead of posting your own pics!!!
+1,+2,+3 nickman, 3toes and ras1954.

Don't put yourself in a position of making the mistake of a lifetime. Avoid the physical confrontation.

Oh, and don't forget to concentrate on things in your own house.
Holy crap stinky,you the man!If I ever need any advice on revenge,I am going to call.I would deffinately do what Stinky says.Stay away from the physical fighting.Not worth the chance of jail and possible prison time.(ROD)
I hate it when people get logical on me. You are all probably right. I think the best advice was revenge is best served simmered. Maybe when I am not acting out of emotion the overwelming desire to smack him around will go way.

It sucks that you can no longer smack a guy for trying to F your wife without having to worry about being the one to get in trouble. Guess I never thought about the random possibility of a fight going bad.

Definitly like the neighbor idea though. May have to give that some thought.

Thanks MM's.

I Still Want to Hit Him Though....
Glad too see your calming down a bit, if I were in your shoes I'd feel the same way, look at it this way there are alot of people out there that pay big money for the threaphy you got here at MM. Its amazing what that gooey gash will do to a guy....
Yeah - I was going to PM you - after broadcasting your intentions on the internet and then doing it - you might be in for a little more of a criminal case than you had originally hoped for. If a good prosecutor were to get a hold of the transcript of this forum - show it to the judge at the arraignment - bye bye bail, and hello more charges. I agree with 3toes - focus on your wife and kids - not the idiot. It looks like that now you are aware of it he may not be the problem any more but that doesn't necessarily mean the problem is solved.

You have some work to do within the walls of your own home. It takes two to make a great marriage work and you owe yourself and the kids that much. Go easy on the wife, forgiveness is the ultimate form of love - that means forgetting it, yes hard thing to do, but you can't let it remain as a wedge between the two of you. She didn't act on it, so be grateful. You will naturally be mad for a while and right now, you are projecting your anger on this other idiot, but he will go away and your anger may not. Stay focused on your marriage and your family.

Oh and definitely send the pics to as many gay porn sites as you can!

Beyond that though, remain the bigger man.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ditto on what the guys said about the violence thing.
Things can get way out of control in a hurry.
In addition to jail time and paying his medical bills you can lose your gun rights in a hurry.

My brothers are cops and see this kind of thing all the time.
What starts as "just a simple fight" can have huge ramifications down the road.
Use your head.
Have your revenge fun with this guy, but in the end, he needs to lose his job over it. Otherwise, even if you get him really good, he will still work with your wife, and he will probably do this again to another woman. Have your fun and then take it to his boss. He needs to be fired. Good luck.
Lots of good advice that I can't top.
Doesn't seem that your wife did much wrong. Get down on your knees and be thankful for that.
Why do anything? Believe me what ever you do will end up hurting you both in the long run. You make it sound like your wife is so sooo innocent. You're lucky you just caught it when you did or it would have went further (MHO). Just make your point to both of them and let it go at that.

"Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track."

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"

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