cheapest gas link

LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 12:37PM (MST)[p]I own a travel center and a friend sent me links to these sites about 10 days ago. Neither one has yet to be right. Today the first one didn't show my station (first time this has happened) and the second one showed no stations under the zip search.

Could be our remote area?

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LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 12:38PM (MST)[p]Great links, thanks guys!

But i think we should change the post title to "least expensive gas"....there's nuttin "cheap" about it these days!

264, the gasbuddy link is user maintained. If there's no info for your area it's because nobody has bothered to enter the data, or if there's data, it may be out of date, which with the way things are changing could be by the hour... I've seen diesel in the Phx area differ by as much as $0.20 between areas of can quickly identify the gougers...
thanks for the info.

Just because a station is $0.20 higher doesn't necessarily mean they are gouging the customer. DSL has dropped about 4 cents a day for the last 4 days until this morning when it stayed flat.
If a station put 8000 gallons in the ground 4 days ago they can't compete with the other guy who put his in the ground yesterday for 12 cents a gallon cheaper. He has to wait until he gets a load of cheaper fuel too.
Also different brands have different rack prices due to additives, etc....

PS These prices are very hard on independant operators such as myself. In Jan '07 a load of fuel cost me about $18,000. Now it is over $33,000 and I get an average of 5 a week. It is a cash flow nightmare. Independant operators WANT lower prices: a 7 cent a gallon margin is a 7 cent a gallon margin no matter what the sale price is.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Hey, 264, if you're station's not on gasbuddy yet you can enter it yourself and list your daily prices...almost free advertising...

Good luck.

don't worry oil falling like my do-dads after a very hot shower with the new little fuzzy redhead!!
gas will be down to 3 bucks a gallon before you know it!
Thank EB,
Hope your right Rack

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