Cheap Woodie


Long Time Member
My wife came home and boy did I had a surprise for her! As soon as she saw it she said "My, that's a handsom woodie you have there!" I said "Thanks honey, I got it from the neighbor lady."
The neighbor lady was having a yard sale and I picked it up for $1.50. Now that's a cheap Woodie. (true story)

....................Wood Duck (AKA Woodie)....................
Sheesh, what else did that neighbor lady have? You stole it!!!

I could offer some comments about what you paid or could have paid for that Woodie, (are you ready for this) but i ain't touching that one!! ;-)

Eel - is it true that at your age you will take a woodie anyway you can get it??

Even if it only costs $1.50? Is that cheaper that one little blue pill?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, here is some advice a friend of mine gave me.

At Eel's age you should:

Never miss a chance to take a leak.

Never waste a woodie.

Never trust a fart.

Words to live by.

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