Chat Room


Super Moderator
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-07 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]Is back online...Lets hope it stays stable.

Later, Brandon
the chat room never been on there just heard about it from tag and bobcat. they only like to get on there to talk with triple k, they think they have a chance or something. infact they both told me not to be jealous they getta chat online with babes all day. but maybe ill try it. who wants to chat
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-07 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]I'm there...thanks to those that made thhis holiday miracle happen!
>the chat room never been on
>there just heard about it
>from tag and bobcat. they
>only like to get on
>there to talk with triple
>k, they think they have
>a chance or something. infact
>they both told me not
>to be jealous they getta
>chat online with babes all
>day. but maybe ill try
>it. who wants to chat

ROFL! "Napoleon, don't be jealous cuz I've been online chattin' with babes all day."

And watchit...Bobcat's kinda like my big brother...he's the overprotective neighborkid. LOL I AM the funnest to chat with though. We're in there now...are you?

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"
OH!!!! MAN THERE IS A SANTA .... gotta think up a alias real quick before it gets nuked again.

Thanks!! MOD'S ... that is better than a photo of a naked chick!


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